Review: This Is The End

We're going to a party at Franco's house!
Some could call This Is The End a vanity project, but when your main cast is this funny, I think you get a free pass.
Jay Burachel comes to Los Angeles to visit his friend, Seth Rogen. Seth suggests they go to his friend, James Franco's house for a party. Burachel is reluctant, he doesn't care too much for this crowd. While at the party, a strange earth quake happens, and suddenly Burachel, Rogen, Franco, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, and Craig Robinson are all stuck in Franco's house when the apocalypse happens.
All of the main cast just plays more extreme versions of themselves, and it works wonderfully. This Is The End is easily the best comedy I've seen all year. The opening scene at Franco's house party is the strongest because of all the random cameos. Michael Cera's was my favorite, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen him in. Plus we got a Superbad reunion for a few minutes there.
There are points in this film that drag, there were a few too many rape jokes for my personal taste and I can only handle so much of Danny McBride. (He's funny, but sometimes his angry funny feels a little too forced.) But whenever it started to do that, something hilarious happened again to bring everything up to speed. These actors are some of the best comedians we have out there today, and their talent isn't wasted here. I look forward to this group of guys making more movies together.
Recommended: Yes
Grade: B+
Memorable Quote: "Am I compelled, Jay?" - Jonah Hill


  1. It bothers me that I haven't seen this yet. Maybe this weekend. Good job! :)

  2. Looks very funny, and from what you say, it sounds more or less how I'd expect it to be. Feels like a "wait for the dvd" for me. I'm too far behind on the things I really wanted to see.

    1. Whenever you get the chance, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

  3. I watched that Jonah Hill bit a half dozen times on YouTube. It still cracks me up. Even just thinking about it now.

    Anyway, great review. I've read some talk about a sequel. No way it could be better, but I'd still be there opening weekend. Easily.

    1. That scene is going to make me look at The Exorcist differently. I just picture little Linda Blair saying those lines.

  4. yeah...I'm not much of a Danny mcbride fan either....but i do love seth rogen. and Franco can be great sometimes too. i better go ahead and watch this then. :)

    1. I think Eastbound and Down kind of ruined McBride for me. It started off as hilarious, and then it was just too much. Craig Robinson is a favorite of mine though. Loved him.

  5. A funny film for sure but some of the jokes seemed to drag a bit and the plot seemed to wander aimlessly in the middle. I still had a good time checking this one out and it is one of the funnier films I have seen so far this year.

  6. I have zero complaints about this film. Nice review! It's currently in my top 10 so far...but the season hasn't even begun!

    1. I swear this movie is going to make me see The Exorcist differently.

  7. Can't wait to see this one. I love Rogen, Robinson and Hill and it looks hilarious. The only way it would look funnier is if they threw Russel Brand in the mix.

    1. I loved Robinson in Miss March. I know most people hated that movie, but I loved it because of The Whitest Kids U'Know. Horsedick.MPEG is the best rap name ever.

  8. Glad you liked it! I found it pretty hilarious. Jonah Hill mad me laugh so much haha.
    The cameo right at the end was amazing.

  9. I about died during Jonah's scene towards the end. OMG

  10. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of McBride either, but I enjoyed the film overall. I hope these actors do another film together soon.


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