Thursday Movie Picks: Live Action Fairy Tales

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is live action fairy tales. This was another tough one for me. Luckily I gave it more time and realized there's some great live action fairy tale type movies out there when only mediocre ones just came to mind.

1) Pan's Labyrinth

This is one of my favorite movies period. So dark and beautiful.

2) Finding Neverland

Oh Johnny Depp, what happened to you? 

3) Alice in Wonderland

Okay, so I know a lot of people hated this, but I liked. Even more so when I saw it a second time. I love the cast and Burton is very right for Wonderland. (Or Underland)

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  1. Much love for Pan's Labyrinth, quick question do you think the fairy tale creatures such as the Faun and the Mandrake were real or a product of her imagination?

    Alice in Wonderland (or Blunderland, haha) was ok, I mostly remember it for quite brilliant costume designs. Alice's collection of dressers were quite something.

    1. I never thought about the Faun and what not being in her imagination. I just kind of took it at face value since it was a fairy tale. I'm leaning towards "they're real."


      I just remember once scene near the end of the film where Ofelia is talking to the Faun and Capital Vidal and others didn't see it. Also, Vidal didn't hear the Mandrake crying...well he didn't make sign that he heard it crying.

    3. Hmm.. I'm going to have to watch this again now.

    4. Guillermo Del Toro has stated in an interview that he intended the fantasy elements of "Pan's Labyrinth" to be real, not a figment of Ofeilia's imagination. You don't have to keep debating this, I've settled it for you. :)

  2. I've been meaning to see Pan's Labyrinth for years, planned to see it in the theatre and when that didn't happen somehow haven't managed to catch up with it since but hopefully this will spur me on.

    I love Finding Neverland! It's one I have watched numerous times. What a great cast down to the small parts, the actors playing Mr. & Mrs. Snow are so perfect. I share you're question about Johnny Depp, he's become such a paycheck actor now.

    I'm one of those who didn't like Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

    1. Yeah, there's a lot of people that didn't like it. You really should check out Pan's though. It's such a spectacular film.

  3. Pan's is so great. I hate that so many people are dismissive of it now, trying to make it out to be this overhyped film...but it's's brilliant!

    1. Pshhh, one does not simply over hype Pan's Labyrinth. It's perfect.

  4. SIGH Pan's Labyrinth is beyond brilliant. It's in my All-Time Top Ten.

    Alice in Wonderland is one of the ugliest films I've ever seen. Outside of Helena Bonham Carter (and the Cheshire Cat, who I love in literally EVERY adaptation of Wonderland) it has ZERO redeeming qualities. My initial thought for this week was to do "The Good The Bad and The Ugly" of live action fairy tales, but I couldn't decide on the first two - only this one as "The Ugly" lol

    1. Also, Finding Neverland is totally underrated. So it's shamelessly sentimental... so what?

    2. Aww, Alice in Wonderland was not that bad! I thought it was good. Finding Neverland is very underrated. I think a lot of people forget about it. (I kind of did too until I saw this theme)

    3. Honestly, it might have been good, but I just couldn't get over the unabashed ugliness and too-much-ness of the design of everything to really even focus on anything else. I do remember thinking Mia Wasikowska was a bit wooden, but that's it. I was just SO put off by the look of it that I had a hard time with thinking about the whole.

    4. I get it. The only part I found kind of off putting to look at was The Queen of Hearts. Otherwise I thought it looked great.

  5. Pan's is fabulous. Time for a rewatch. I also liked Alice in Wonderland. I know people hate it, but it works for me. And HBC is great. Couldn't get into Finding Neverland, but I really don't remember much about it. I owe it another shot.

    1. I thought Alice was one of the few movies where 3D conversion didn't look terrible either. So it has that.

  6. Pan's is a great movie but it's so dark and bleak I just can't relate to it on a fairy tale level at all.

    1. I guess I can see that, but at the same time, I don't think all fairy tales have to be positive. Plus this one had actual fairies, so it counts. lol

    2. Well fairy tales are dark. It's just the new and Disney adaptations that's squeaky clean and happy.
      I love Pan's Labyrinth. It's one of the modern type of fairytales that work, managing both the fairy tale elements of magic and creatures, and the horror.
      Wandering through the Shelves

    3. Thank you! And thanks for hosting, as always!

  7. Finding Neverland was really lovely. Damn that moment with Winslet seeing Neverland near the end :/

    1. I know! The more I think about it, the more I'm wtf'ing over Johnny Depp.

  8. Pan's Labyrinth... classic.... I love Finding Neverland... what happened to Johnny Depp...

    Alice in Wonderland.... it has its moments but awful visual effects.

    1. Really? I thought it's visuals were its strong suit. I really liked how the film looked. You got Burton's style, but it fit perfectly with what Wonderland should look like.

  9. I love Pan's Labyrinth! I hadn't thought of it as a fairy tale, but it fits perfectly.

  10. I like "Alice in Wonderland" too!
    I saw "Finding Neverland" as a kid and I don't remember much about it, but I do know I cried a lot.
    And "Pan's Labyrinth" is a great movie, but I think Del Toro's earlier work, "The Devil's Backbone," is as good or better but unfairly underseen. "Cronos" was pretty shit though.

    1. I've never seen The Devil's Backbone. I'm going to have to look into that.

  11. Great picks! Finding Neverland is my favorite Peter Pan adaptation, Pan's Labyrinth is a wonderful film, and Alice in Wonderland was quite enjoyable!

    1. I'm glad there's some others out there who liked Alice in Wonderland! lol

  12. I thought about Finding Neverland. I love that movie! Gets me every time. Pan's Labyrinth is genius. Good picks!

  13. Somehow I thought I had commented on this, hmmm must be my mind doing tricks! Hey, glad you also picked Pan's Labyrinth, that's one of my picks too and I was close to choosing Finding Neverland, too, such an enchanting film!

    1. It is! Pan's is easily one of my favorite films of all time.

  14. Oh, Pan's Labyrinth and Finding Neverland are SO GOOD. Nice picks.


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