Review: The Nice Guys

BOGO detectives.

Holland March (Ryan Gosling) is a widowed PI with a drinking problem trying to raise a teenage daughter, Holly. (Angourgie Rice) Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe) is not a licensed PI and essentially beats up people for money. March is looking for a woman named Amelia (Margaret Qualley) and she paid Healy to take care of the men following her. Once these two meet, they realize there's an even bigger crime at play, and they must work together to solve it.

I'm so glad that this movie recovered from the opening. The film opens up with a kid stealing a porno from underneath his parent's bed. Not just any kid, but Ty Simpkons, the worst child actor I've ever seen. This kid ruined Iron Man 3 and Jurassic World (okay, he helped contribute to the latter) and I kind of freaked when I saw him here. Thankfully, it's his only scene and we're treated to the delight of Gosling and Crowe.

I don't think Gosling has good comedic timing, but Crowe and director Shane Black really bring out the best of him here. The story is so rich. It's not just about the laughs,  it forms a very elaborate and interesting mystery around it. It drives the film where as the humor normally would. That's not to say it isn't funny. There's some pretty hysterical moments in it.

The Nice Guys has a lot of heart. So much so that I feel bad for doubting it, even for a second.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B+

Memorable Quote: "Your sister is such a slut!" - Holland March (Ryan Gosling)



  1. It's funny because I thought the same thing when I saw the kid from Iron Man 3 here.

    - Zach

    1. Oh thank God, I'm not alone in irrationally hating a child. lol

  2. Unfortunately, it looks like I won't get to see this for a while. Maybe that will change. Wish me luck.

    1. Good luck! I hope your theater holds on to it for a while so you can find the time.

  3. interesting. I actually like like Ryan Gosling in comedy. I think he even brings comedy to drama (Blue Valentine is still my favorite). But I haven't seen him in this yet.

    1. He does good with amusing in dramas, but the films I've seen him that are supposed to be comedies haven't been my favorite. But you'd think he was a natural here.

  4. YASSS!!! I can't wait to indulge in comedic Crowe.

  5. I haven't seen it yet. I will at some point. Crowe is not my favourite, so if he's the best one it, it's probably not going to float my boat.

    1. His chemistry with Gosling and Rice might elevate it a bit. They're an awesome trio.

    2. I'm glad to hear it. And as your clever title says, it is BOGO detectives so I suppose he's really just an added bonus (or not).

  6. I found Ryan Gosling to be absolutely genius, especially with his timing and the chemistry he can maintain with whatever he has to work with, including a bathroom stall door. Crowe was great. This is a welcome return to solid Hollywood movies for him. The kid on the bike in that pic was a highlight by the way. Haha! Great stuff! My review will be up tomorrow morning.

    1. Gosling was great, I really let his SNL hosting gig freak me out a bit. He was so much better here.

  7. I love Russell Crowe and my hubby loves him so we really want to see this movie. I am trying to picture this kid and have no idea who he is...I have to google him. Obviously he was not memorable to me.

    1. OK..I just looked him up and I think i recall him in Jurassic World but i have no clue who he is in Iron Man 3 and I just re-watched this film about a month ago

    2. Yes, he's in Jurassic World. He's kid in Iron Man 3 that Tony runs into towards the middle and rebuilds his suit. Fucking awful. lol

    3. Oh god...I forgot that part....I must have blotted it out of my brain:)

  8. OMG that your sister is a slut line killed me! So glad you liked it! It's the most fun I had at movies in a very long time

    1. I love how casually he said that to a teenage girl. lol

  9. Am I one of very few who enjoyed the kid in Iron Man 3?

    I agree the story is good, it means that the film doesn't just rely the Gosling and Crowe's chemistry

    1. They don't, they really put a lot into the script. I really want to watch this again.

  10. I mostly had fun with this. It dragged a bit in spots, but Gosling and Crowe had surprisingly great chemistry together and I LOVED the girl playing Gosling's daughter. I also loved how the whole thing was JUST 70s enough to place you in that time, but didn't overdo it.

    1. I agree. They didn't continuously smack you in the face with nostalgia. The film looked great.

  11. Still have to see this one. I'm probably in the minority but I like Ryan off-screen more than on-screen. But his performance seems to be pretty funny. Nice review!

    1. I like Gosling in dramas like Half Nelson and Blue Valentine. It's things like Crazy, Stupid, Love I don't care for.

  12. This movie looks so good! Been excited for it ever since I saw the first trailer. Cannot wait to see it.
    Nice review.

  13. Great movie of a depressed man falling into temptation that spins out of control.


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