Indie Gems: Train to Busan

All aboard.

Do you know what movie I shouldn't have to file under "Indie Gems?" This one. This film at its height was opened in 36 theaters total across the U.S. From what I could find, it was a big hit in its native South Korea and other Asian countries but it didn't find its footing here. A film like this should've been given a wide release. People need to get over their fear of subtitles.

/end rant

Anywho, Train to Busan follows a very preoccupied father, Seok Woo (Yoo Gong) whose  daughter, Soo-an (Soo-an Kim) begs him to take her to see her mother in Busan for her birthday. He's a workaholic, but after being guilt tripped a bit he plans to take the train there quickly and come back. A sick passenger also boards the train, and when they die, they turn into zombies. Suddenly the mass outbreak that is now affecting the other cities is effecting the moving train, and Seok Woo, Soo-an, and a group of other passengers must fight their way through.

The thing about most zombie movies is at the end of it, I really don't care that much about the characters. Sure, you root for them along the way, but most of the time I feel like I watch for gore. Train to Busan is different. I felt for these characters, I nearly cried when I lost some of them. The tension built in some scenes was incredible. It had the perfect blend of creepy, loving, intense, and subtly amusing. 

Acting wise, my favorite performances were Dong-seok Ma and Yu-mi Jung who play a couple expecting a child. They were wonderful and truthfully exactly the kind of people I would want to be around if this ever happened. 

Grade: A

Memorable quote: "Hurry up, asshole!" - Sang Hwa (Dong-seok Ma)


  1. Glad you liked this one! This was an awesome zombie movie. The couple expecting a child were wonderful characters. If I were in their situation I don't think I'd be alert as the guy trying to protect his wife.

  2. YEEESSSSSSSSS! Love seeing people giving this film a shot. It easily made my Top 10 from last year. It is an absolute master class in tension building. Love it!

  3. I can't believe I still haven't seen this movie. My husband and older daughter have seen it TWICE, but I've been busy working. I need to get my priorities straight. ;-)

  4. I don't know if the film has come near me as I really want to see it. The Koreans lately are killing it.

  5. Uh, F--K YES to this whole post, my goodness.

    That couple had me from the moment they appeared on screen. And yes, between you and me, I got f--king choked up during this one, too. Oh, and the bad guy in this? HE'S THE F--KING WORST. He had a million chances to redeem himself....but no. He couldn't do it. Dick.

    GREAT REVIEW. Glad you dug this movie!

    1. I hated that dude soooooo much! His death wasn't gruesome enough lol

  6. Great review. You've encouraged me to see the film as soon as I can instead of waiting. Thanks for the insights!

  7. A quick IMDB search tells me this came out in the UK last October! Err, where?! I don't remember it being in any of my locals! Fingers crossed they'll be a DVD release soon that I can watch :)

    1. This never hit theaters near me either, unfortunately. It's a shame.


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