Review: The Beguiled

You mad, bro?

When young Amy (Oona Laurence) stumbles upon wounded Corporal McBurney (Colin Farrell) in the forest, she brings him back to her mostly empty school for girls. Headmistress Martha (Nicole Kidman) decides they will treat him instead of giving him up to Confederate soldiers but soon the teachers and a few older students find themselves trying too hard to get his attention.

I never saw the original so I can't compare it to that, but this film was very Sofia Coppola. It's slow, methodical, and beautifully shot. It also ended up being way more amusing than I think it meant to be when you realize that some of these women just really want the D.

Story wise, there's not a lot here but it's enough to keep you interested. The cast is wonderful. Kidman is top notch, as is Kirsten Dunst. It's also nice to see Oona Laurence and Angourie Rice when they stole the shows in their last respective films (Southpaw and The Nice Guys) The only one I felt struggled was surprisingly Elle Fanning. I didn't find her character very believable. 

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B-

Memorable Quote: "I wish to be taken far away from here." - Edwina (Kirsten Dunst)


  1. I think it is a great film as I'm fortunate to finally get to see the original film by Don Siegel months earlier which is more racy. I think Coppola's restrained approach really works here as she just went for something simpler. I understand why you're not into Elle Fanning's role but her character in the original film was far more flirtatious than in this film.

    1. I don't think Fanning made her believable. Like, it was too obvious that she was bullshitting there was nothing subtle about that.

  2. I can't even judge for myself because my stupid art house theatre just won't show this already, gah!

  3. the cast is good, and it is indeed beautifully shot. but it felt very distant to me, true Sofia Coppola

    1. Distant is a good way to describe her film making. I do feel at arms length quite a bit, even in the films I like.

  4. Every time I'm about to sit for a Coppola movie, I feel like I have to psych myself up for some sort of arduous journey through all the pastel colors of the world.

    I saw Dunst promoting this somewhere, and I thought 'what the Hell, right?' but I totally doubt I'll actually ever come across it (at least theatrically).

    Great post. You had me at wanting the D. Uh...I think, that came out wrong...

    1. I can't blame anyone for wanting Colin Farrell's D. 8/10 would bang.

  5. Nice review! This is on my to-see list, even if I can squeeze in Baby Driver asap. I'm really looking forward to seeing Kidman and Dunst. :D

  6. This probably leaks online before it hits cinemas here in September but that is probably good because the trailer made it look so hot i may hump the chair during it

  7. This is probably my least favorite Coppola film so far. It's technically great (that cinematography is SO gorgeous), but I don't think she had as good a handle on the tone of the thing as she could have. She didn't lean in to the drama of the situation enough - I actually loved Elle Fanning, but that's probably because I wanted to see the movie she was (over-)acting in more than the one I was actually watching. The cast is really good, though.

    1. I don't think anything will ever beat Somewhere as the worst Coppola film for me. Omg zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    2. I guess she just needs to find the right story that fits her visuals, otherwise it's just all style and little substance like in 'Somewhere'...

  8. I do want to see it and it does sound quite clever. Sophia either gets it or she bombs. Now I must read about Somewhere:)

    1. Somewhere has a lot of fans but I hated it so much.

  9. I liked this one a bit more than you but I enjoyed your review! And that's right, Oona Laurence was the girl from Southpaw. I forgot about that.

    1. It took me a while to place her during the film. Rice I recognized right away.


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