Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Failed To Get a 2nd Season

It's another TV week over at Wandering Through the Shelves. This week we're talking about TV shows that were not long for this world. Those one season wonders, those shows who could've went on to do something big, but crashed and burned. 

1) The Fades

This was a cool horror show that starred some of my favorite up and coming British actors and it only lasted six episodes. It ended on a cliffhanger too. Pretty much everyone in it found success on other shows/films but I wish they would've went at least another season

2) Freaks and Geeks

I didn't watch this until well after it was on the air but I wish I had seen it earlier. It was so funny and I wish we could've seen where they would've gone. 

3) My So Called Life

I was a little young to get all of this but I watched it with my sister and it reminded me of her since she was in high school at the time. I was sad when it ended. 


  1. Freaks & Geeks and My So-Called Life are obvious choices but damn good ones. I enjoyed the latter despite my disdain towards Jared Leto. My sister thought was the most gorgeous thing ever. Well, him and Eric Nies of The Real World/The Grind. Remember that asshole?

    1. Lol I never watched The Real world like everyone else did. It bored me.

  2. "Firefly" is the most tragically prematurely canceled show of all time. I haven't seen any of these except "Freaks and Geeks," which I really like. :)

    1. My husband would agree with you. I think Agent Carter but they got two seasons so I couldn't use them here .

  3. I’ve been so busy writing Infinity War review I forgot it was Thursday 😅 Anyway, I haven’t seen nor heard of any of these

    1. Wait until you see my choices. :-)

      I haven't watched much episodic TV this century, so most of your choices are going to be newish to me. At best I've heard of them, but never actually seen an episode.

    2. I haven't even started my IW review yet. Vacation has been busy.

      Ted, i never recognize any of your picks lol. They're mostly new dor me.

  4. Is that Gendry?! HE is good to look at, and The Fades is probably the only one from this list I would l watch. Even though I will hate the cliffhanger so much.

    1. Yes that's why i watched it. That boy looks good lol

  5. My So-Called Life!! I loved that show, own the box set and watch it on occasion still. Beautifully acted and very insightful.

    I think I've seen a couple eps of Freaks & Geeks but I was never a regular watcher.

    I haven't heard of the other. I'm guessing this week will have me saying that a great deal.

    Here's my three:

    Awake (2012)-LAPD Detective Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) is involved in a serious car accident with his family and when he awakes finds himself in two different realities. In the first his wife Hannah has survived the crash, in the second his son Rex but Michael can’t tell which is his true waking life. To try and help him place himself he wears a red wristband in the first and a green in the second and consults a different therapist in each. They are the only ones aware of his problems which leads to issues with his team at work. But Michael has become extraordinarily good at solving crimes since he is able to use details and clues he gleans from both realities. Complex, sometimes disorienting (there are times where Michael is dreaming within a dream and so forth) series had a great performance by Isaacs in the lead but required an attention investment that might have been too much for viewers.

    Forever (2014)-In 1814 35 year old Dr. Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd) is killed while trying to free slaves from a slave ship but something happens whilst he’s in the water and he reemerges alive, unharmed, naked and immortal-a pattern that is repeated whenever he dies. Jump forward 200 years and Henry is now a New York City medical examiner who uses his centuries of accrued knowledge to help solve crimes while he searches for the key to his immorality. A widower he lives over an antique shop owned by his 80 year old “son” Abraham (Judd Hirsch) who he and his late wife rescued from a concentration camp as a child. But Henry has an enemy-Adam (Burn Gorman) a 2000 year old immortal who thinks he might have found an answer to releasing them from their plight and tries to force Henry to help him. Not as complicated as it sounds this was a fun show full of quirky characters and a fantastic team in Gruffudd and Hirsch who played off each other so well.

    Rake (2014)-Keegan Deane (Greg Kinnear) is a criminal defense lawyer and reprobate whose self-destructive behavior cause him no end of troubles leading to him battling wits and owing money to everyone he knows, including his ex-wife, judges, an assistant district attorney, his bookie, a brothel owner, and the IRS. His saving grace is that when he gets around to it he’s a very good attorney. Ramshackle comedy/drama was driven by the charismatic Kinnear who obviously was having a hell of a good time. Had the misfortune to air on Fox who moved it around too many times.

    1. I have heard of all of these but never watched them.

  6. OMG The Fades! I remember hearing really good things about that, but I never watched it.

    I've never gotten around to My So-Called Life OR Freaks & Geeks yet either, which is just wrong of me.

  7. Haven't seen any of these. Haven't even heard of The Fades.

    1. The Fades was a British show. I only found it from looking through a few Game of Thrones actors filmography.

  8. Freaks and Geeks is a show I have yet to finish, but it's been so long that I'd have to watch it from the start.

  9. I love Freaks and Geeks!

    1. It's really a shame it didn't stay on the air considering how many people enjoy it.

  10. I saw a little of My So Called Life, but I too was a little too young to quite get it then.

    I have not seen the Fades but have heard good things.


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