Review: Incredibles 2

Who's watching Jack-Jack?

With Superheros still being illegal, Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) is given a chance to make a case for their abilities by a rich brother/sister duo Winston and Evelyn Deavor (Bob Odenkirk and Catherine Keener) who add a camera into her suit to capture all the good moments. Mr. Incredible (Craig T Nelson) meanwhile is left behind to be a stay at home dad.

The first film was released nearly 14 years ago, but fans have still been thirsty for that sequel. Personally, I was never head over heels with The Incredibles. I liked it, but it wasn't one of my favorite Pixar films. I went in with an open mind but I landed about the same place I was before.

It really annoys me when films make dads look completely incompetent at parenting for comic relief. It's such an overdone trope and unfortunately we get a dose of that here. On top of that, Violet and Dash, even though they get to save the day at one point really get shafted character-wise. Violet gets another overdone trope, the emotional teenager eating ice cream because of boy problems and Dash is completely obnoxious from start to finish.

That's not to say it's all bad. Most of the comedic heavy lifting is from Jack-Jack, the baby who just discovered he has several powers. Thankfully they do so much with that that it keeps it interesting throughout. Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) also makes a few appearances to keep things lively. 

The big "twist" you can see coming from a mile away but this is still a fun family film that's on par with the original.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "That is freaky." - Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson)


  1. Aww, I see what you're saying Brittani, but I thought this one was a lot of fun. But it definitely lacks the emotional punch that Pixar films usually carry.

    I didn't really consider the whole 'dad is an idiot' angel until you mentioned it, and that's totally a trope I hate. That said, I think they pulled it off well. Mr. Incredible wasn't a total buffoon...he was just overwhelmed (very) which I think is spot on for a Dad alone with three kids (for maybe the first time).

    Excellent call on Dash. Total a-hole, as usual.

    1. I do give them credit on not playing it up as much as they could have. Like, he never noticed his kid doesn't sleep through the night before? What? lol

  2. Sorry you didn't like it but I did read you did enjoy the short film Bao which I thought was better than Incredibles 2.

    1. I liked it, I just wasn't in love with it. Bao made me cry lol.

  3. Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one here who isn't head over heels with the original. I think I saw it when it came out but I'm not actually 100% so I'm going to have to see it before next week!

    1. It was good, it just didn't stay with me like a lot of other Pixar films do. I'm very meh about it.

  4. I really had a good time with this one. I agree with Mario about the movie's take on Mr. Incredible at home with the kids. It is about on par with the original, but I like both more than you.

    1. On par is right. I'm glad I went to this with my family, that was enjoyable.

  5. Nice review! I saw a sneak peek of this a few months ago (about the first ten minutes or so), and that was kind of enough for me. I felt it'd be more of the same, and I'm surprised there's been so many fans who wanted a sequel. It wasn't my favorite Pixar film either.

    1. I didn't realize it either until I read all the "finally!" posts. I was like really? This? lol

  6. I admittedly saw the first Incredible late, so I don't have the nostalgia for it that so many have. Watching it as close to this one as I did though, I definitely felt the two were about on par with one another. They're fun, but not the best thing in the world or anything.


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