Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: College

It's another TV week over at Wandering Through The Shelves and this week we're talking about college. This was hard for me, because I don't watch Community, Greek, or Undeclared. Most of the big college shows I missed so I had to reach a bit. I wouldn't say I love any of these shows, but I watched them and college played a small part 1) The Big Bang Theory The main characters in this show all work at a university. I used to love this until Mayim Bialik showed up with her ridiculous character of Amy Farrah Fowler and ruined it all for me. I haven't watched in years. 2) The Fresh Prince of Bel Air The later seasons got to college, even though it was mostly just a set up. This was a show I'd usually watch after school. 3) Sabrina the Teenage Witch Another show where the later seasons started dealing with college. This show in retrospect is so bad. They didn't give one single fuck about continuity. I remember getting in a fight with my dad ...