Review: Malcolm & Marie

On the eve of his newest film's premiere, director Malcolm (John David Washington) goes home with his girlfriend Marie (Zendaya) and have a long fight about Marie's contributions to the story among other things.

Yes, this movie is literally a couple arguing for 115 minutes. It sounds taxing and I kept that in mind before pressing play, but I was surprised at how into this I was. 

We don't meet these characters before their fight, but we learn a lot about them as they spit their vitriol back at each other. Malcolm is a self absorbed filmmaker who hyper focuses on one particular film critic in general. (And God, can you imagine a director reading your review of this film and flipping out this way? Yikes.) Marie dealt with addiction and that still comes with its uncertainties. No one is perfect, both make valid points occasionally but ultimate I found myself very much on Marie's side of things here.

I felt so many different feelings while watching this. What I wasn't expecting just how funny some of their fight would be. It's not played for laughs but a few things they say are just so extraordinarily petty that I couldn't help but chuckle here and there. Other times I found it heartbreaking and raw. When they had their cool down periods, I could see why they were together, but I'd also cringe when they would start back up again even though all these things needed to be said.

Zendaya and John David Washington are both tremendous here. They feel like a real couple. Zendaya gets a bit more to work with than he does because her character is the more vulnerable one, but they were both fantastic. 

I hate that this film was shot in black and white. Absolutely hate it, it made everything feel so drab and I think it would've been better in color, but that's a complaint I often have with contemporary black and white. (and there's a lot of that going around recently)

Malcolm and Marie is now streaming on Netflix and even though the premise may sound off putting, I think it's worth the watch.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable quote: "Are you actually yelling and belittling me from across this house because you are too busy eating mac and cheese?" - Marie (Zendaya)


  1. I actually liked how bare the black and white made them both seem, because they were. And I'm not a huge advocate of modern black and white films

    1. That's a good way of looking at it. I'm just a baby about black and white. lol

  2. I'm still unsure if I want to see this even though I do like Zendaya and John David Washington.

    1. If you're a fan of both you should definitely watch it.

  3. I couldn't agree more about...everything you've said here. I was on the fence about watching it at all and the black and white put me off further but I was hooked from the first five minutes. John David Washington ranting about the review his movie got was one of the funniest things I've seen for months!

    1. Oh I know, and the mac and cheese thing just sent me. "You got seconds?!" "No I didn't"

  4. I don't know, it sounds a bit taxing but maybe I would get into it...or just roll my eyes.

    1. That was what I was expecting to feel like, but didn't. It's worth the try.


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