Thursday Movie Picks: Treasure Hunts


This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is about treasure hunts. I had to laugh when thinking about this theme because it's so not my bag. My husband loves the National Treasure movies and I'm just solidly meh about them. I tried to think outside of the box a little, and not use franchises like that, Indiana Jones or Pirates of the Caribbean. Here's what I came up with.

1) The Da Vinci Code -
I never read the book this was based on but I really loved the movie. I suppose I wouldn't had I actually gotten around to reading it, but until then I'll remain blissfully ignorant and enjoy myself with this.

2) Da 5 Bloods -
While not my favorite Spike Lee joint, it fits the bill of today's theme. The film was about far more than just the gold. 

3) King of California -
This is a cute little film where Michael Douglas tries to convince Evan Rachel Wood there's gold buried under their local Costco. It's been a while since I've seen this, but I remember enjoying it. 


  1. I have not read The DaVinci Code either but I enjoyed the film. I think it’s better that way as we will not be disappointed. I have not seen the other 2 but I wouldn’t mind seeing your last pic.

  2. I've only seen the first and I wasn't a big fan. I didn't read the book either, I was running a bookstore when it came out and the fervor for it was just so crazy I should have given it a try. I think it was just a case of burnout, it took me quite a while to jump on the Harry Potter bandwagon too! Anyway the movie was too long and scattered to draw me in.

    In regard to the other two by and large I'm not a big fan of Spike Lee outside of Inside Man but I usually try them out eventually. I've heard of King of California and want to see it I just haven't gotten there yet.

    I love treasure hunt movies and my first thought was Indiana Jones of course, I LOVE the first and third but I've used them before. I decided to go with more obscure choices when by happenstance I watched my third pick the day before yesterday (honestly it was pretty bad but at least it came in handy!)

    Green Hell (1940)-A group of fortune hunters lead by Keith Brandon (Douglas Fairbanks Jr) including David Richardson (Vincent Price) and Forrester (George Sanders) head deep into the South American jungle in search of rumored Incan treasure. Shortly after Richardson is killed by natives his wife Stephanie (Joan Bennett) arrives. Despite his loss she decides to stick it out and look for the booty but as the months tick by tempers and passions flare as the local heathens become increasingly hostile.

    Plunder of the Sun (1953)-Down on his luck and short on funds insurance adjuster Al Colby (Glenn Ford) makes a deal with Thomas Berrien (Francis L. Sullivan), a crooked collector of antiquities to travel by ship to Oaxaca, Mexico smuggling a small package. During the voyage Berrien dies, Colby opens the package finding three parchments and a stone medal. Contacted by rival archaeologist Jefferson (Sean McClory) Colby discovers the parchments are a key to hidden treasure and the search is on!! Filmed in Mexico at the Zapotecan ruins of Mitla and Monte Alban.

    Beyond Atlantis (1973)-When a fisherman wants to trade in his pearls for cash pimp Fast Eddie (Sid Haig) smells a fortune to be made and embarks on a treasure hunt to locate more. Joining with scuba driver Logan (John Ashley), adventurer Vic (Patrick Wayne, The Duke's son) and Dr. Kathy Vernon (Lenore Stevens) they head to the island. Upon arrival they are met by a tribe of half fish/half humans led by Neraus (George Nader) and his beautiful daughter Syrene (Leigh Christian) who only seems to possess a skimpy bikini. The gang are looking for loot, but Syrene is looking for a chance to propagate for the good of the tribe! A real piece of Roquet Cheese!!

    1. Yep, these are definitely obscure lol. Haven't seen any of them. I hope you like King of California when you get to it!

  3. I've seen your first two but never even heard of King of California. What a premise though! I definitely want to hunt that movie down.

  4. The Da Vinci Code is not worth a read (my opinion). Dan Brown has not figured out yet that people's internal monologues are not them essentially narrating their actions in their own heads.

    Fun plot, dreadful prose.

    1. Oh boy, I didn't realize he wrote like that. I can't see myself ever getting to it soon. Maybe when I'm retired? lol

  5. The Da Vinci Code was entertaining enough, as was the book. But I honestly can't remember the differences between them.

    1. I swear everyone my junior year of high school was reading that book accept me. I'm not sure why I never picked it up.

  6. We share a pick with King of California as I thought it was a really good film. Especially because of Michael Douglas and ERW as she was just great in that one. Didn't like The Da Vinci Code and its sequels as I found them to be boring. My dad liked the books but found the films to be so disappointing.

    1. I'm glad someone else picked King of California as well! I love Evan, and she and Douglas were great together. I never saw any of the Da Vinci Code sequels. I was fine with where it ended.

  7. Nice picks! I haven't seen The DaVinci Code, but I've wanted to especially since it's been added to Netflix. I just know I'll need the attention span to pay attention and that's hard these days while obsessing over Outlander. lol King of California sounds cute though!

    1. It's not too hard to follow! I think you can do it with your mind elsewhere. lol

  8. Oh, I actually really like the Da Vinci Code as a pick! My dad read it and really liked the movie as well, so maybe it's not the most terrible adaptation haha but he is pretty easy to please. Did you know there was a prequel series about the main character coming out soon?

    1. I didn't! I haven't kept up with that series. I never saw any of the sequel/prequel movies either.

  9. The DaVinci Code is a great pick - I read several of the books!

  10. I read The DaVinci Code a few years ago (I think) and I enjoyed, and I'd say the movie (although I haven't seen it in years) is a good adaptation.

    1. Paul Bettany was really great in his small role. he was one of the best parts.

  11. I've seen King of California. I don't remember much either now, just that I had wanted to love it but thought it was just ok.

    1. It's definitely not the greatest, but a perfectly good watch.


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