Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Horror Themes/Scores

 It's the last horror theme of the month over at Wandering Through The Shelves and we're finishing it off with TV show themes! I have easy favorites in this category, let's get to them.

1) Stranger Things -
This is one of my current favorite TV themes, I never skip it. It's a catchy tune.

2) The Walking Dead -
Sometimes I'm nostalgic about how much I used to love this show, before AMC, Scott Gimple and Norman Reedus tanked it. At least I'll have the early season openings.

3) Tales from the Crypt -
I used to watch this with my sister all the time when we were kids. I didn't always understand what was going on, but I enjoyed it. 


  1. I can't get Stranger things and not a lover of Zombies but the music is eerie. I did watch a few episodes of Tales From The Crypt and they were not bad at all. The music is eerie but has humor too.

    1. Tales from the Crypt had a lot of humor in it. Stranger Things is great. Walking Dead was good at one point but that point has long passed lol

  2. We share a pick with Tales from the Crypt. I love that show. I love the theme for Stranger Things as I need time to watch that whole series.

  3. I picked The Walking Dead too, good tune too bad the series went downhill.

    By the way, you haven't been submitting you links to my blog post for the last two TMPs. Even if the inlinkz is closed, my comments section is always open for link submission.

    1. Yes! I was out of the country. My posts had been going up as scheduled posts. Now I'm less busy so I'll remember.

  4. I watched The Walking Dead for the first three seasons, decided I didn't care about those people any more, and stopped. I don't miss it.

    1. Season 4 is where it majorly fell off. Then the first 3 episodes of season 5 are some of the greatest episodes they've ever made, then it falls flat again. It's a frustrating rollercoaster.

  5. Stranger Things is a great pick for the theme! I love the theme and also the whole rest of the soundtrack

    1. Yes! I love the Kate Bush resurgence going on this year too because of Stranger Things.


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