Cinematic Alphabet

I got this idea from Anna at Defiant Sucess. so here it goes. My favorite movies beginning with each letter of the alphabet. (sans pictures since my computer hates me right now)

A - American Beauty

B - Brick

C - City of God

D - The Dark Knight

E - Eastern Promises

F - Friday the 13th (1980 version)

G - Gangs of New York

H - Halloween 

I - Inception

J - Judgement at Nuremberg

K - Kill Bill vol I

L - The Last King of Scotland

M - Mysterious Skin

N - The Nightmare Before Christmas

O - The Omen (1976 version)

P - Pan's Labryinth

Q - Quiz Show

R - Requiem For a Dream

S - Star Wars

T - Thirteen

U - Up in the Air

V - The Vicious Kind

W - What's Eating Gilbert Grape

X - X2: Xmen United

Y - Y Tu Mama Tambien

Z -zodiac


  1. cool idea! some great picks here too. including requiem for a dream, quiz show, gilbert grape and halloween.

  2. Great list. I saw Anna's post as well and someone else's, too, but I'm not dure I can find the movies for every letter. However, I may say for sure that our D, I, and maybe G would coincide.

  3. cool post! I will try this out for myself soon, thanks for the idea!

  4. Like your choices. It's funny that XYZ end up being pretty similar across the lists ! : -)

  5. I put Y Tu Mama Tambien on mine too :) great film


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