Indie Gems: Frances Ha

How many times can I change my mind?
I've had a really indecisive week when it comes to movies. I recently ran a train on my Netflix Instant queue and watched possibly the weirdest set of movies ever. Yet after each one, I had no idea how I felt. It didn't help that I was tweeting at the same time.
The thing about Frances Ha, a tale of a 27 year old New Yorker (Greta Gerwig) who works for a dance company and is really trying to find her way in life when her best friend Sophie (Mickey Sumner) all of a sudden gets her shit together is that I was kind of destined to hate this movie. I tried to see it in theaters, but a good friend of mine insisted that I wouldn't like it because it felt "too Woody Allen-ish." He's right. I hate Woody Allen. I also don't care for modern black and white films. (Just a personal preference, and I know I'm in the tiny, tiny minority who thinks it didn't suit this film.)
When the credits started rolling I thought "Wow, that was the longest 85 minutes ever" and I felt a little disappointed. Then once I got away from my keyboard and out for my run, I thought about it some more. As it turns out, I was actually quite charmed by Frances Ha. Gerwig really was a wonder to watch on screen, and even though I wanted to slap Frances a few times and tell her to stop being such a fucking spaz, I appreciate her for it. Plus it's always nice to see Michael Zegan in something, he was one of my favorite on Rescue Me.  Frances Ha may scream "Hipsters: The Movie" to some, but it's actually quite a nice little pick me up. There's the obvious nods to French new wave cinema here and there, and Gerwig may have a shot at an Independent Spirit Nom later this year. Either way, even though I probably should've hated this film, I'm actually wanting to see it again.
Grade: B-
Memorable Quote: "Ahoy, Sexy!" - Frances (Greta Gerwig)


  1. I loved the hell out of this movie, but I'm in love with Gerwig and she just shines so brightly here. Sumner is also excellent. I'm not familiar with Girls, and so all the comparisons rolled off my back because to me this was just Frances Ha.

    1. Do not watch Girls. lol. That show is awful. I know it has its fans, but I can't stand it.

  2. I kind of felt the same way you did! I remember I kept looking at my watch in theaters, because it felt tremendously long! BUT, I wanted to see it I'm not sure why it felt like it dragged so much?

    1. I can't put my finger on it either. This movie messed with my feelings so much. lol

  3. I'm a big fan of Allen so I hope I'll like this one, I finally caved in and I'm seeing it tonight :P

  4. I too was a bit surprised by this one too. It wasn't the black and white photography or the Woody Allenesque story. I thought I would fully hate Greta Gerwig's character for not doing much, but she turned out to be a lot of fun

    1. I agree. She at least felt like she was trying to do something, and not being lazy. That made her more likable.

  5. Sorry you were disappointed. I was pleasantly surprised by it, but I love Woody Allen. ;)

    1. I got over my disappointment. I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would.


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