Making a case for The East

I'm kidding, but that would be hilarious..

You know, I'm having a hard time coming up with something for Stevee's blogathon this year. She asks us to make a case for someone that moved us that's more than likely NOT going to get an Oscar nomination. Last year, I made a case for Pierce Gagnon that adorable FIVE year old kid in Looper that stole every scene he was in. Honestly, a lot of things I've seen this year seem pretty likely to get Oscar consideration. Prisoners is still my favorite of the year. I thought about making a Best Picture case for it, but honestly, I think it could still squeeze itself in there. So, I'm going with a film that I saw back in June that I'm afraid is largely forgot about - The East.

Best Original Screenplay - Brit Marling and Zalbatmanglij - The East
Yes, that guy seriously has 'batman' in his name. They've collaborated together before on Sound of my Voice and Another Earth. (I haven't seen either, but they're in my queue) The East is about a young woman played by Marling that infiltrates an eco-terrorist group. She becomes torn when she grows closer to the group's leader, and starts to understand things from their point of view. Marling's not the only great performance, Ellen Page and Alexander Skarsgard are strong as well. I really just loved The East as a whole. These people are obviously doing very dangerous things, but they're passionate behind their reasoning, and we see consequences from both sides. The film is tense, clever, and expertly shot.
No one is going to remember this little Sundance darling come Oscar time. We can only hope the Independent Spirit Awards give them some love. But, I don't think you should discredit The East. It really is a wonderful little film that deserves to be noticed.


  1. Great mention. I would have FYC'd the Production Design, since that was my favorite aspect of this film...and Page, who was outstanding!

    1. Page was fantastic. I just want to FYC this entire film .I'll take what I can get. haha

  2. Good review Brittani. This movie pissed me off. While it definitely had some great ideas about the art of rebellion, and how it looks in hindsight compared to what cause it is that they are fighting for, the movie practically throws them all out at the end for a neat, tidied-up finish. Didn't like it one bit, and was supremely disappointed.

    1. I think they tried to leave the ending at least a little open for interpretation, so I like to pretend that maybe she DIDN'T go through with it like it kind of showed..kind of. Yeah, I can see that argument.

  3. I just saw the preview for this last night (yes, I'm totally clueless) and was fully on board checking this one out. Seemed like it might be kind of intense.

    Hmm. Dan seems kinda pissed though...and he seems like he enjoys almost everything. Well, still going to roll the dice on this one.

    1. It is very intense. I can't wait to hear what you think. I can assure you this doesn't end with anyone turning into a blue butterfly. :)

  4. I still haven't seen this one nor previous two movies with Marling.

    God, I'm the worst Skarsgard fangirl ever.

    1. He has this awful beard in his very first scene, don't worry, he shaves it. lol As a fellow Skarsgard fangirl, that kind of freaked me out for a second.

  5. i really liked this movie too. the indie spirits actually completely shut it out. sad to hear

    1. Wow. I didn't even realize that the Spirit Awards listed their nominees, that was a very busy week for me! I missed it.

  6. Ohh I could totally get behind a Best Screenplay nom for The East. GREAT call.

  7. I really need to watch this already!


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