Lights Camera Reaction's Recast-athon

Lights Camera Reaction is hosting its first ever blogathon! Jack asks us to recast parts of our choosing from any 2013 film. Thanks for hosting, Jack! Here are my picks:

1) Tye Sheridan replacing Ty Simpkins in Iron Man 3

I hated the little kid subplot in Iron Man 3. I hated it mostly because of Simpkins' awful performance. I feel a little bad saying that about a child, but it was just bad. Iron Man 3 was actually the first thing that came to mind after I saw Mud. Where the hell was the casting director looking for kids when Tye Sheridan over in Mud is giving one of the best performances of the year? Sure Sheridan is a little older, but if they're going to shove that plot down our throats, they might as well use a kid that can act.

2) Tom Hiddleston replacing Michael Fassbender in 12 Years A Slave

I should be clear, I LOVED Fassbender in 12 Years, I thought he was perfect, but Hiddleston in that role interests me. We're used to him making 'bad' characters likable. (Loki, Freddie Page) I don't think he would've made Master Epps likable at all. In fact, I think Hiddleston could dig down and get that same terrifying look in his eyes that Fassbender had. I would've loved to see his take on this.

3) Ron Livingston replacing Kyle Chandler in The Wolf of Wall Street

Chandler was easily the weakest link in Wolf of Wall Street. His character for one reason or another started to remind me of Livingston's in season 4 of Boardwalk Empire. So much so that I actually wrote in my review that I was trying to pretend it was Livingston. Then this blogathon came along and I sort of get my wish - recasting Kyle Chandler! I think Livingston would've made his character more memorable and not just another face. He could've held is own against the other great actors in this film, and he certainly wouldn't have been the weakest link.


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    1. lol Dakota Fanning is one of the reasons I end up hating on child actors. She was just too damn good.

  2. I agree with Kyle Chandler getting replaced in Wolf of Wall Street. He practically blended in with the background - that's not a good thing when with a cast that are each standing out in their own ways. I haven't seen much of Ron Livingston's work, but he does have screen presence.

    1. He does have a great presence, and he would've been so much better than Chandler.

  3. While I can't speak to Hiddleston/Fassbender, let me address the other two.

    The kid in Iron Man 3 was the absolute worst. Not quite YIPEEEEEE Skywalker bad, but pretty awful nonetheless. The role was probably doomed anyway, but the poor kid thrown in made it a little bit worse.

    As for Mr. Chandler, I respectfully disagree. Though, full disclosure, I love this guy, so maybe I'm not thinking clearly. I thought that he did 'blend in to the background' but I thought he was supposed to. He wasn't a showy dude, just a guy that has committed to putting his head down and working for the rest of his life. Buuuuuuuttt, I love me some Ron Livingston, so I'm not mad.

    You know who they could have replaced in Wolf? Oh....nevermind. I don't have a Kevlar vest nearby so I'll keep my mouth shut.

    Great post, regardless.

    1. Who would you replace in Wolf? I'm a little bias because I think Chandler is horrible in everything.

    2. But would he just replace the acting, or does the T&A get to stay? :P

    3. It has nothing to do with the nudity, as far fetched as they may sound.

  4. Awesome idea with Hiddleston, I'd love to see that! Chandler looked liked lost puppy in Wolf so obviously I approve of that replacement :)

    1. I would like to see Hiddleston in a kind of despicable role.

    2. You two are nuts. When you see Wolf again... you're going to see how awesome and dreamy Chandler is.

      Yeah. Pretty sure that's how it's gonna go down.

    3. I saw Wolf 3 times already - sorry, man :)

  5. That kid in Iron Man 3 was so so annoying. Sheridan is an excellent replacement. I liked Fassy in 12 Years, but I can imagine Hiddleston would have given an equally good performance.

    Thank you so much for participating. Really appreciate it ! :D Great choices overall.

    1. Now I don't feel as bad for hating on this kid so much. Everyone else agrees. Thanks again for hosting, it was a wonderful idea!

  6. Kyle Chandler wasn't very bad for me in Wolf of Wall Street but he just seemed to lack oomph compared to everyone else. Totally agree for a Ron Livingston replacement who might have added that little something extra.

  7. Ooh, I really like these. I'm not sure Hiddleston would better Fassbender's performance, but I'd love to see his take on Epps.

    1. I think Hiddleston is almost TOO attractive to be better then Fass. If that makes any sense at all. lol


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