Mount Rushmore of Movies Blogathon

M. Brown over at Two Dollar Cinema is hosting his first ever blogathon. Since I'm constantly laughing at everything M posts over on his site, I felt it would only be right if I chose my Mt. Rushmore of movies (and tv) as something that amuses me. 

Behold: The Mount Rushmore of Awful Cry Faces

(If you're on this site looking for good graphics, I suggest you get your ass over to Cinematic Corner. Ain't nobody got talent for that here at Rambling Film.)

James Van Der Beek

James Van Der Beek probably has the most popular cry face in the world. How many have you have seen this gif without actually watching Dawson's Creek?

Norman Reedus

Sometimes I wonder if The Walking Dead's main purpose on TV is for the internet to create memes out of it. Lo and behold Norman Reedus' awful cry face. This thing shows up on every Walking Dead site out there and NO ONE thinks it looks good.

Claire Danes

I could honestly put together a play by play of cry faces from Homeland alone, but since M. DID ask for this to be from movies, and I already cheated, I went with Romeo and Juliet. This cry face just screams "Oh! I'm a stupid 14 year old that doesn't know how to have an affair AND I WILL DIE FOR ALL THE LOVE!" *vomits*

Daniel Radcliffe

"He doesn't look like he's crying in that picture." You might say. EXACTLY! This was one of the worst attempts at crying/anger I have ever seen. How Cuaron actually let this in the final cut is beyond me. It was fucking awful, and I'm one of the biggest Harry Potter fans around. Daniel Radcliffe has thankfully improved, and I guess he'll always have Prisoner of Azkaban to remind him how much higher he's climbed on the cry face ladder.

Thanks for hosting, M. Brown!! I salute you by crying with joy.


  1. Gosh, I don't remember that Harry Potter scene at all, and yeah, my initial reaction seeing the photo was "he's not crying"....

    Daniel Radcliffe isn't a bad actor but judging from that photo its as worse as that guy who screamed "oh my god....." in Troll 2!!!

    1. Oh, here's a clip of it so you can remember how terrible it was.

  2. Okay, the fact that a monument of sad faces has left me smiling seems pretty much perfect.

    That said, I actually feel bad for Van Der Beek. It looks like he just found out Joey and Pacey have been doing on a shitty boat upriver. Or something.

    Reedus is hysterical only because I've never even seen that show, but I feel like I've seen him make that face nine million times.

    Danes? My goodness. She should just chill the fuck out, asap. I mean, you can always get another pair of tiny angel wings.

    Nothing needs to be said about Harry. It's just too good/terrible.


    1. Thank you! Danes' lip is hysterical. She really gets that thing going.

  3. Poor Danes...she's brilliant in that movie though!

    1. Oh yeah, she's a good actress. Her cry face is just ridiculous though!

  4. Awesome choices! Danes in Homeland is like pop culture phenomena or something, as great as she is on that show it's her cry face that's truly legendary

    1. It got it's own SNL parody, that has to mean something.

  5. Haha great post. Oohhh wow, James Van Der Beek. Just... wow. Poor bastard.

  6. Van Der Beek's cry face has got to be one of the greatest Dawson's Creek moments ever.

    1. I had to google the actual scene to see if it was a joke the first time I saw it.

  7. I really have to step up my game on this entry... damn. Best list ever, Brittani!

    And I still cringe when I see Harry... uhm... crying, and it's been ten years.

    1. "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" God, if that made the final film I can only imagine how the other takes went.

  8. Haha, wonderful choices! I still have no idea what I'll go with.

    1. This idea took FOREVER to come to me. There's so many great possibilities with this blogathon.

  9. I love your list soooooo much! hahahah~ Such a good idea. I really love the GIF of Norman Reedus. This made me go on the internet and look at more crying GIFs!

    My Mount Rushmore

    1. I did the same thing after I picked my four. I found out there is an entire Tumblr blog dedicated to crying gifs. lol

  10. I remember Claire Danes from My So-Called Life and while I had a crush on her for most of the show, I do quite well remember her awful cry face. Fun list!

    1. Thank you! It's totally her lip and chin. No one cries like Claire Danes.

  11. Very good written article. It will be supportive to anyone who utilizes it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts.


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