Indie Gems: Trick R' Treat

Halloween is fucked up.

That's basically the moral of Trick r' Treat, a movie that I have taken way too long to finally watch. 

Four intertwining stories follow different people in a small town on the night of Halloween. Steven (Dylan Baker) is a high school principle/serial killer. Laurie (Anna Paquin) is not impressed with her much sluttier sister and friends dragging her along to a Halloween party. Mr. Kreeg (Brian Cox) is having the worst night ever. Some teens play a trick on a fellow student that goes horribly wrong, and some weird little kid dressed as a creepy pumpkin is reeking havoc. Actually, I don't really know what the fuck he is dressed as. It's weird.

I can see why this is consistently on people's "Favorite Halloween movies" lists. It will certainly be on mine from now on. Trick r' Treat is quite the little gem. It has plenty of interesting twists, a good amount of gore, and a pretty killer soundtrack on top of it. I can see this being something I re-watch on a fairly regular basis.

Grade: A

Memorable Quote: "I look five." - Laurie (Anna Paquin)


  1. I absolutely love this movie. It's like the new generation of 'Creepshow.' I rewatch it every halloween. It really is my favorite halloween movie. I still can't believe this movie was never released in theaters. There was some big dust up btw the director and the studio. Warner Brothers was a complete and utter tool.

    Perhaps it's better b/c it's now a cult classic.

    1. I remember that. I'm a huge Anna Paquin fan so I've been following it for awhile, it just took me forever to actually watch it.

  2. "Quite the little gem" is an apt way describe this movie. I went in not expecting much and was very pleasantly surprised. Nice review.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, it's very deserving of that title.

  3. This seems like a great movie! I'll have to watch it soon.

    1. It is, I think I'll make it one of my yearly re-watches on Halloween.

  4. Other than that creepy f--king thing you pictured, I don't remember this being all that good (despite, as you say, it routinely winding up on Top 5 lists and such. Wait. Did a couple of chicks get naked in some weird satanic ritual?'s slowly coming back to me...

    1. Yes, right before they all turned into werewolves :P

  5. This is a really good film to watch in October. It's flawed like most in it's genre, but it's fun and "cute". It's sort of like Goosebumps for adults.
    I was really interested in the film for the simple fact that there was so much hype over it's non-release... Well that and Anna Paquin.
    I think thy're working on a sequel.

    1. That's a good way to describe it. Goosebumps for adults. I like it!

  6. I was scrolling through the blog to start reading from the earliest post I haven't read yet, but "a high school principle/serial killer" caught my eye. Jesus, this film sounds great! A mark, too? Consider me watching this next Halloween!

    1. Yes! That scene is so bizarrely fucked up. Can't wait to hear what you think of this when you watch it.

  7. Thanks for the review... another film i've heard about but wasn't sure about. I'll pick it up now.


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