Rambling TV: Strong Women of Television

While watching ABC's Agent Carter, I couldn't help but be impressed with how good it was. I'm glad Marvel is finally getting behind a female lead franchise, and I think the show has a ton of potential. It got me thinking of other badass women on TV right now. These are just a few from the shows I watch.Tell me who your favorite female character on television is and what makes them strong.

1) Peggy Carter of Agent Carter

Peggy's male co-workers may underestimate her, but we viewers certainly don't. She's not trained in combat like Black Widow or Agent May, but she still manages to kick ass and get things done. 

Kick ass moment: Burning some guy on her stove THEN throwing him out a window. 

2) Carol Peletier of The Walking Dead

No character on The Walking Dead has seen an evolution like Carol. Starting as a meek, abused woman who found her inner strength and is now able to make some of the toughest decisions. She's my favorite character in all of television right now.

Kick ass moment: Lighting up Terminus like the 4th of July, then finding time to reunite with her group and give Rick and Daryl hugs that gave me feels overload. 

3) Brienne of Tarth of Game of Thrones

"All my life men like you’ve sneered at me, and all my life I’ve been knocking men like you into the dust.” Lady Brienne is more than just a Lady, she's efficient with her sword and has been gutting dudes for a long time. She also has a strong sense of duty and honor. 

Kick ass moment: Beating The Hound in the face with a rock.

4) Melinda May of Agents of SHIELD

She flies a plane, she's trained in martial arts, there really isn't anything Agent May can't do. She's proven time and time again how reliable she is, and I'm sure she'll be beating bitches for a long time to come.

Kick ass moment: Beating down another agent that is wearing a clocking device that makes her look like May. So two Mays in an epic showdown. 

5) Amy Brookheimer of Veep.

Amy may not have martial arts skills, knives, or guns like the other ladies on my list do, but her words are what makes her strong. She's smart, quick on her feet, and basically runs everything in the Vice President's office. Plus, she's eaten hummus with a pen cap. don't judge her.

Kick ass moment: Any time she's had to put Jonah or Dan in their place. 

*click some of those gifs to be redirected to their makers*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Veep is on HBO too. It's wonderful. I love me some Michonne as well, but I think Carol is the richer character. She's fascinating.

  2. OH! I love Amy in Veep. That show is awesome.

    I have episodes of Agent Carter in my DVR but haven't found the time to watch them. I'm a bad person.

    1. Agent Carter is great so far! I hope you like it when you get around to watching it.

  3. Don't watch much TV at all, but this is a worthy cause. The only show here I've seen any of is a handful of episodes of Agents of SHIELD. That gif of Agent May is amazing. Great post.

  4. Damn, I guess I really need to watch Agent Carter! And of course, Amy is such a badass. I love Veep so much.

    1. Agent Carter is off to a really good start. I love Veep too. :)

  5. GREAT post! And two big thumbs up for Carol and Brienne of Tarth.

  6. i love this! i tried and failed to get into s.h.i.e.l.d., but i love that gif. also, love that you mentioned anna chlumsky and melissa mcbride.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, the first half of season 1 of Agents of SHIELD sucked, but they really found their footing in the back half of S1, and they've been doing great so far in S2.


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