Thursday Movie Picks: Married Couples

I was kicking myself last week for not including Blue Valentine in my post, but it actually fits in this week too! (I could've done all of my picks with Michelle Williams movies) This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is Married Couples, and because I love all things dysfunctional, I picked films where the marriages are troubled.

Take This Waltz

Poor Margot just doesn't know what she wants anymore. She was happily married, then ends up falling for her neighbor. Yikes. 

Blue Valentine

The ultimate depressing "I'm losing my marriage" movie. 

Celeste and Jesse Forever

They probably have the chillest divorce in movie history. It's weird to call a movie about a marriage falling apart "sweet," but this one really is.


  1. I absolutely love all three of these films, SO MUCH! Brilliant picks...BRILLIANT!

  2. Oh, these films are all so good. They're all so different from one another, but the characters are written and acted so well, Blue Valentine especially. That film has such raw power, it completely bowled me over.

    1. Same here. I love all of these, but that one my favorite.

  3. Your reference to your love of all things dysfunctional cracks me up, Maybe that's one of the reasons we get along so well. ;-)

    Great picks! I haven't seen Celeste and Jesse Forever, but the other two are definitely unforgettable.

    1. Celeste and Jesse Forever is so charming, which I never expected from a movie about a divorce.

  4. Aw, you couldn't have picked a third Michelle Williams movie? I'm a bit of a sucker for themes within themes. Actually I really want to see Celeste and Jesse Forever. I love Rashida Jones so much!

    1. I almost went with Brokeback Mountain, but then I realized I should probably spread the wealth. lol

  5. I've been meaning to watch both Take This Waltz and Blue Valentine for some time, but I totally agree that Celeste and Jesse have the chillest divorce, even though that film was very depressing.

    1. Oh wait, til you see Blue Valentine. That film is depressing. lol

  6. I have only seen Blue Valentine from your picks. It is the best breakdown of the final days of a marriage I've seen. So dark!. I've wanted to watch Take this Waltz and Celeste and Jesse Forever...forever. Need to get them queued up. Great picks!

    1. I hope you like them when you finally see them. They're not as depressing as Blue Valentine. Celeste and Jesse is actually super cute.

  7. Blue Valentine is a great marriage study I ever seen in a movie. Well, the acting was wonderful and the tone is unavoidably depressing. All in all, it's heartbreaking, ain't it?

    1. Oh, indeed. The scene where they have sex hotel room is so realistic and sad. So good all around.

  8. looove blue valentine and celeste and jesse forever!

  9. YES to all your picks! Take this Waltz is a lovely film, though not as depressing as Blue Valentine. I wished there was more Jesse parts to Celeste and Jesse, but still a good movie.

    1. Take This Waltz is quite the gem, but yes, not as depressing as Blue Valentine for sure. I think that's one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen.

  10. Haven't seen the first two though I really want to. I enjoyed Celeste and Jesse Forever...and I agree it's such a sweet movie...well maybe I guess it's bittersweet. They're such great friends but still that's not enough for a marriage.

    1. Oh definitely. But it's nice to see a divorce ending with them as friends. It made me so curious to see what's next for them.

  11. Love your first two picks, and I actually just bumped Celeste and Jesse Forever to the top of my Netflix queue last week. :)


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