Thursday Movie Picks: Movies With Devastating Endings

Everyone ready to be depressed? This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is movies with devastating endings that make you want to weep. As someone who cries in movies all of the time, this wasn't too hard. My only gripe is that I already used Atonement, and that should surely be here too. Spoiler Alerts, obviously

1) Requiem for a Dream
This movie is so devastating and disturbing I don't think I could ever watch it again. Especially when it comes to Ellen Burstyn's character. I sobbed the majority of the time she was on screen.
2) The Mist

This might seem like a weird choice because it's a horror movie, but the ending is SO depressing. Unable to outrun the monsters, a man with only four bullets left in his gun kills his young son and three other survivors. As he waits for the mist to take him, a military tank shows up with a bunch of other survivors, some he encountered earlier. He killed them for nothing.

3 Old Yeller

Hey, you know that dog that got attacked by a bear, boars, and a wolf all to protect these annoying ass kids? He gets rabies and they shoot him. Wow. Such family movie. Much hope. Very fuck you.

I hate Old Yeller. 


  1. Yeah, I'd definitely use Atonement here. That ending was just sadistic.

    1. It really was, but I used it once before. I didn't see it coming at all, that made it even worse.

  2. Lmao over your entry on Old Yeller. So so true. Also true about Requiem. Didn't make mine only because I just posted about it for another blogathon. Going to have to revisit The Mist. Just didn't care much for it, but it's getting a lot of love today.

    1. The Mist's ending is so twisted and sad. I'm still surprised to see it so much today since it's a horror film.

  3. LOL OLD YELLER. Still haven't seen it; don't want to. Where the Red Fern Grows was tough enough. I feel the same about Requiem for a Dream: Great movie, don't think I can ever watch it again.

    1. Where the Red Fern Grows was brutal too. I also feel manipulated by the author because a red fern didn't even grow in between their damn graves. That fuck. lol

  4. I think I will miss The Mist-too depressing for my taste. I do want to see Requiem because I heard great reviews. I have seen Old Yeller which is my pick as well. Love what you wrote:)

    1. Ha. Thank you. I seriously hate Old Yeller. No one will ever be able to convince me that it was a "good" movie.

  5. The House of Sand and Fog is the first film that comes to mind because it's this giant ball of frustrated "I want to kick everyone in the face" and then the ending comes and I'm weeping because...NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    And yest to everything you note here.

    1. I haven't seen The House of Sand and Fog. I'm going to have to look up the ending now.

  6. This is so great.

    First, I really don't recall anything about Requiem, other than a certain scene that we watched in college...over and over. I really need to revisit that one (and perhaps skip that one bit).

    The Mist is an awesome selection. I saw that one in theater and I remember the few of us looking at each other like, F--k. Uh...should we hug?. It was great.

    I have never seen Old Yeller. Or at least, I don't remember it. Your take is brilliant.

    1. Never see Old Yeller. Spare yourself the pain of that movie. lol

      I saw The Mist in theaters too. I was floored by that ending. I don't think I could watch Requiem again. I own it, my husband had it when we got together. I still can't do it again.

  7. I haven't seen any of these. Based on what I've been reading about Requiem for a Dream, it seems that the film is disturbing as well, heh I don't know if I want to see it now.

    1. It's a very good film, but you're right, it's very disturbing and I definitely couldn't watch it over and over.

  8. Haven't seen The Mist, it seems to be on many lists. Since you warned of spoilers, thank you, I didn't read the description but I gave it a glance over on IMDB and it sounds grim, good cast though.

    I didn't find Requiem sad as much as it pissed me off and made me angry though I felt deeply for Ellen Burstyn's character and she was totally brilliant, the others were pathetic jerks.

    Ha for your recap of Old Yeller! It reminded me of that Friends episode where Phoebe discovers her mother would always shut off the TV when the sad part of the film was near and say The End so she thought of Old Yeller as good family fun and then spent the rest of the episode watching sad movies and being depressed shutting off It's a Wonderful Life before the conclusion sure it was just another downer. This just made me think of it and regret not including Pride of the Yankees in my picks! Gary Cooper's final speech is a killer.

    Love the mention of Atonement! To me that was more what the theme was about, sad movies that you could emphasize and tear up with but somehow didn't leave you with a bitter feeling.

    1. Atonement definitely deserves to be here, I'm kind of kicking myself for using it already this year! Ahh well.

      That's funny about that friends episode! I'm not sure how Phoebe would ever think that was a wholesome family movie considering all the shit that happens to that poor dog.

  9. I haven't seen The Mist so I am very surprised to find it showing up on so many lists this week of all weeks. I will have to see for myself.

    1. I hope you like it when you do! Though now that we've all spoiled the ending, I'm not sure how impactful it will be. lol

  10. I've heard of how terrible The Mist endings is - so resolution just overwhelming sadness

    1. It's really sad, and I didn't see it coming at all.

  11. I can't watch Old Yeller. I can't watch movies where dogs die as my dog is getting very old and blind.

    1. Old Yeller is the reason I can't watch movies with dogs dying. I cry every time.

  12. The Mist is certainly a popular pick this week,I had that one, too. Requiem for A Dream is my last month blindspot and I agree about the tragic ending. The third one I haven't seen so I guess I need to see it :)

    1. Nah, you don't need to see Old Yeller. Ever. lol Good luck with that blind spot. It's a good film, just very hard to watch.

  13. I've heard a lot about Requiem, kind of afraid to watch it (I don't generally gravitate towards depressing movies). The Mist was simply devastating, I don't think I can watch it again.

    1. Requiem is beyond depressing, but it's so well made and well acted.

  14. Terrific choices! And yes, the ending of Old Yeller is the ultimate "fuck you." I still haven't gotten over the fact that our teachers forced us to watch it when I was in elementary school.

    1. I'm not even sure what the educational benefit was of this film? Watch your dog? Or was it just to torture us?

  15. I just stay away from all animal movies...they usually end badly for the animal.

    1. I do too. When Marley and Me was making a ton of money, I was like "nope. I know that dog dies."

  16. The Mist again. Need to see it. But I accidentally spoiled the ending for myself when researching for this post. This one was hard for me. Requiem for a Dream did not make me weep, but it's a powerful piece of cinema for sure. Old Yeller. Nice!

    1. Requiem made me cry a few times. I think some of them were scary tears, because holy crap that movie. lol

  17. Ugh, Old Yeller...are you trying to make me cry again?

    1. I wish I could take a copy of that film out back and shoot it.


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