Indie Gems: Creep

Keep the camera rolling

Aaron(Patrick Brice) is a videographer who responds to an ad on Craig's List to film a man named Josef (Mark Duplass) for a day. Josef tells Aaron that he's dying of cancer, he has a son on the way, and wants to film something for his child to watch when he's older. Soon, Aaron realizes that there's something extremely off about this situation.

The film is shot entirely on Aaron's hand held camera, which can be annoying because of the shakiness, but there really wasn't any other way they could've told this story. They at least set the camera down during for most of the film, so it can focus. 

We don't see a whole lot of Brice since he's operating the camera, so Duplass is the main standout, and he's wonderfully creepy. He still has that goofy charm Duplass usually does in his films but when he needs to get serious, he does it well.

The film is short, running at just 75 minutes, but this makes for a good quick watch.

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "You have a really nice, kind face." - Josef (Mark Duplass)


  1. Mario just reviewed this one too!!! This sounds so bizarre and rewarding for the genre. UGH...time to hit Netflix! Great review.

    1. I fangirled a little when I saw he reviewed it. You really should check it out. It's quick, you can watch it in between parenting. lol

    2. OMG...I just saw this (well, yesterday)! Check out my review :-D

    3. Yay another review! (I missed you) lol

  2. Fuck this movie and how AWESOME it was.

    No bullshit, the end physically altered me And wearing headphones. ..scared the shit out of me.

    1. Uggghhh it's so unsettling! That shot was just insane.

  3. The plot sounds great but I am sooooo tired of hand held cameras-I find it too distracting and just plain annoying.

    1. It is, but I don't think this film would've worked any other way. Thankfully they do set the camera down more than they walk around with it, so it's not *too* terrible.

  4. I really like Duplass. I'm surprised I haven't heard of this! Thanks for letting us know, B.

  5. This movie was so, well, creepy. And Duplass is SO good. Glad you liked it.


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