Thursday Movie Picks: Asian Horror

This week's Halloween theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is Asian Horror! I don't think I've ever seen an Asian horror movie that I didn't like, there's so many great ones to choose from. Here are my favorites. I wish I had some obscure little indie to talk about here, but these three are very widely seen. I really need to see more.

1) Audition

Whenever I tell people to watch this, I warn them that it gets off to a very slow start. You need to keep with it, because once you realize that something is very off, it doesn't slow down from there. 

2) Ringu

I saw the American remake The Ring first, and I loved it. I had to see the original, and it doesn't disappoint. The scariest thing for me here was the fact that Sadako (this version's Samara) looked so tall coming out of that TV. She was very menacing. 

3) A Tale of Two Sisters

This was another one where I saw the American remake first (The Uninvited) and had to check it out the original. This one is definitely freakier.  


  1. Yay, Audition!

    Sadly, I still haven't seen Ringu. One of those I keep meaning to, but never do.

    A Tale of Two Sisters is SOOOOO much better than The Uninvited. Great picks!

    1. Ringu is one of the few instances where I've seen a video store bring back the original foreign film when the American remake came out. They were side by side, I thought it was so lucky that I was able to watch it.

  2. I still think the best way to see Audition is to not know anything about it going in - or at least to not know it's a horror film. That way, when the switch is flipped, you're right there along with the main character.

    Both Ringu and The Ring are good ones. I saw the American one first too, and I liked it better, but I do love that the original gives Sadako the same type of body as Jason from the Friday the 13th movies lol.

    I haven't seen Tale of Two Sisters yet, but I want to.

    1. That would be an interesting way to view Audition. I knew it was a horror movie going in, and I knew the back half would be brutal. It was still very intense, even knowing that.

      lol about Sadako. I thought that was so freaky, I was expecting this little girl, then she was all menacing.

  3. I have seen The Ring which,even thinking about it, freaks me out so I don't think I will see these-even the pics you added here give me the chills

    1. The Ring is probably the creepiest PG-13 horror movie ever made.

  4. Audition again? Please, don't make me see that movie ever again. It scared the shit out of me.

  5. I haven't seen any of these movies. Come to think of it, the only Asian horror movie I remember seeing is Thirst.

    1. I really like Thirst. I actually used it once already this year.

  6. I love all of them, especially Audition and Two Sisters! Audition delivers a very visceral terror while Two Sisters tricks you psychologically.

  7. omg Ringu is SO GOOD. and i still need to see audition and a tale of two sisters

    1. If you liked Ringu you should like those too. They're very different, but equally creepy.

  8. I'm intrigued by Audition. Is t not for the squeamish though?

    1. Thanks for the warning. I still might check it out but it's good to go in prepared.

  9. Haven't seen Audition yet. It's on the list of : I should see it, but we told me it's so creepy that I need to find the courage :). I Watched A Tale of Two Sisters not so long ago, really like it. It's funny, you can tell it's from the beginning of the '00s because of the narrative and the evolution of korean movies. (I don't know if I'm really clear...)

    1. I haven't seen enough Korean movies to fully understand, lol. I'll have to see more.

  10. A Tale of Two Sisters is definitely freakier. The house is creepier as well and because I watch the original first, I didn't know what to expect.

    1. Tale of Two Sisters is definitely way more unsettling than The Uninvited, but I didn't think the remake was too bad. I saw it before ToTS.

  11. Oh, nice picks! I still need to see all of them, though. :/

    1. You're in for some good viewing when you get around to it.


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