Thursday Movie Picks: Heist Movies

This week, Wandering Through the shelves asks us to explore heist movies. Since I'm complete Joseph Gordon-Levitt trash, I decided to do a theme withing a theme. All of my picks are JGL films, because while heist movies aren't my favorite, sticking him in one is a sure fire way to make me see it. 1) The Walk This is probably one of the most unique heist movies out there because there's no guns and no one dies. That doesn't make it any less thrilling and this is also one of the few 3D films that absolutely needed to be shot that way. 2) The Lookout This is a very quiet heist movie. JGL plays a janitor at a bank who suffered from a traumatic brain injury years before. Because of this, he's suckered into a robbery. 3) Inception Stealing things from dreams. Now this is one hell of a heist movie and is still one of my favorite movies of all time. I love everything about it. I'm still pissed Nolan didn't get a best director nom for this.