Thursday Movie Picks: Scandinavian Language Films

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is another foreign language edition! This week we get quite a bit of variety to choose from, any of the Scandinavian countries. This was actually quite hard to narrow down, there's so many great ones. I chose one film from three different countries these week, with a mental note to see more Finnish and Icelandic films.  Please note this post is queued, I'm still on vacation and will check everyone else's out when I get back!

1) Troubled Water

From Norway - this story follows a man who was convicted of killing a child when he was a teenager, and after he's released from prison he has trouble starting a life without people finding out what he did.

2) The Hunt

From Denmark - The Hunt is about a teacher whose entire life is ruined due to a lie by a young student. I actually wanted to burn this fictional town to the ground by the end of it. 

3) Let The Right One In

From Sweden - One of my favorite foreign language movies of all time is about a lonely boy that befriends a girl that happens to be a vampire. Yes, I realize I've used this film at least once in the past two years I've done Thursday Movie Picks. But I just really love it. I suppose I could've picked Persona too. 


  1. I LOVE both The Hunt and Let The Right One In, they made my list!

  2. Man just thinking about this fucktards in that town in The Hunt makes me angry

    1. Omg I know. I wanted to punch the other teacher so badly.

  3. I haven't seen any of these but have seen Let the Right One In & The Hunt turn up a few times today so I'll have to check those out. Your first sounds interesting as well.

    My scope as far as Scandinavian films goes is almost exclusively Swedish and small so with that said I did a theme within the theme in that all mine involve a Swede named Bergman.

    Wild Strawberries (1957)-Lovely reverie about looking back at life and the memories that come unbidden. Approaching 80 Dr. Isak Borg (Victor Sjöström), a retired doctor and professor, a remote man with a cold demeanor is traveling from his home in Stockholm to Lund to accept an honorary degree. Originally intending to fly he decides to drive instead accompanied by his daughter-in-law Marianne (Ingrid Thulin), a journey of a day. Along their way the people they meet and stops they make, including the doctor’s childhood summer home, lead him to evaluate the man he was and the one he has become. My favorite Bergman film.

    A Woman’s Face (1938)-Ingrid Bergman plays Anna Holm, a woman whose facial disfigurement has led her to become a blackmailer out of bitterness. The ruthless leader of a gang, she has no compassion for anyone until one of her victims turns out to be married to a renowned plastic surgeon giving Anna the opportunity to change her life. However the long tentacles of her former accomplices don’t want to let her go. Solid drama was remade a few years later by MGM with Joan Crawford.

    Sawdust & Tinsel (1953)-As a ragtag circus troupe makes its way through the bleak Swedish countryside conflicts arise between the members of the group. When they arrive in the town where owner Albert’s ex-wife lives he seeks reconciliation leading to bitterness from his present mistress who becomes involved with an actor with designs of his own leading to misery for all. Dark and unsettling but that’s Bergman for you.

    Honorable Mention-Cries & Whispers (1972)-Heavy, heavy Ingmar Bergman drama of recrimination and the acrid damage caused to relationships by long buried resentments. Two sisters gather at their childhood home to await the death of the third desperately ill sister. While they fail to reconnect to each other or their mortally ill sibling their maid seems to be the only person in the house who is capable of offering comfort and empathy. Color is used heavily to convey the oppressive mood of the picture although sometimes too much so, by the end you feel like you’ve been living inside a tomato for ninety minutes. Still an intricate, interesting drama.

    1. I liked Wild Strawberries, but it's not my favorite Bergman. That would be Persona followed by Smiles of a Summer Night. Thanks for sharing!

  4. The Hunt and Let the Right One In.... YES!!!!!!

  5. I love The Hunt and the other two sound interesting as well!

  6. I've only seen The Hunt here, which is terrific. But when it comes to Scandavian films, personally, a couple of Bergman's come to mind. Force Majeure was a terrific little film from Sweden a few years ago. And then ofcourse, there's Vinterberg's A Celebration. But probably my favorite would have to Oslo, August 31st. That's just an altogether perfect film.

    1. Oslo, August 31st is amazing too. I watched that a few years ago.

  7. Excellent choices - not heard of the first pick but it sounds good - a bit of an inner theme here too, children.

    1. You're right, I didn't think of it like that when I was throwing them together.

  8. The Hunt is popular today and I have it marked down to see. Believe it or not, I have seen Let the Right One In which I thought was excellent. My niece lent me her DVD copy to see this and I'm glad I did see it. Her dream is to live in Sweden and own a goat farm....I'm not getting the goat farm but more power to her

    1. That's an interesting dream! I hope you enjoy The Hunt. It really is top notch.

  9. Haven't seen Troubled Water but the basic premise sounds similar to Boy A. You might like it if you haven't check it out yet.

    1. I loved Boy A. They are very similiar, actually. Only Troubled Water there's less anonymity with the main character.


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