Review: Jackie

Let them see what they've done.

In the days after John F. Kennedy's assassination, we follow his widow Jackie (Natalie Portman) as she recounts her experiences to a journalist. (Billy Cudrup)

It's a simple story, but enhanced by brilliant performances and the best score out of any film this year. Jackie is simply enchanting. This wasn't the Jackie Kennedy I expected to see. I can't say I've ever given her a thought that was deeper than superficial. Seeing her poise on how she handled something so traumatic was admirable. From trying to plan the funeral with Bobby Kennedy (Peter Sarsgard) to telling her young children what happened, to leaning on her assistant, Nancy. (Greta Gerwig)

What Portman does here is amazing. She tries so hard to hold her emotion back, only for strong waves of it to seep through occasionally. We see her as a First Lady who is nervous in front of a camera to one who wants to face it head on so she doesn't hide from the American people. Sarsgard is also very good as Bobby Kennedy, and Gerwig FINALLY plays someone that isn't Greta Gerwig.

The film is the perfect length for its subject matter, and like I mentioned earlier, the score is magical. You never feel it dragging.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: A

Memorable Quote: "And I don't smoke." - Jackie Kennedy (Natalie Portman)


  1. I love Natalie Portman and I can't wait to see this film. It sounds excellent!

  2. I do want to see this but from the very little I heard when Portman spoke as Jackie, it grated on my nerves a little but I can't let 30 seconds of talk impede a great movie....if I find it great:) I always like Jackie Kennedy and found her brave and quite strong. I also do like Natalie Portman and am in disbelief that Ashton Kutcher (whom I can't stand and think he is so below Natalie's acting ability) was paid 3 times more than she was in a movie they made together

    1. I think she nails Kennedy's accent, from the recordings I've heard. Kutcher being a bigger draw than Portman is sad.

  3. I totally want to see this. After all, it's PO'TMAN MOTHAFUCKA!!!! She's part of my Bullet Club. Plus, it's also because of Pablo Larrain whose film No I really like a lot. How the fuck can some no-talent kettlehead be more paid that someone like Natalie? That shit is wrong.

    1. lol well at least we know that wouldn't happen again because Portman is a way bigger draw than Kutcher nowadays.

  4. I'm certainly intrigued by this one, and I'm psyched you liked it as much as you did (I had heard good performance/bad movie talk).

    I imagine this is super depressing, right? Like, I might need to get my shit together first. I can't even handle that damn dog movie trailer....

    1. It's fairly depressing but it's no The Impossible or Room. Honestly it's so beautiful to look at you kind of forget.

  5. Yes! Greta Gerwig amazed me the most in this. While I love Portman (and Peter S.), I didn't like that they made the movie about how she tried hard to preserve her husband's legacy and not really highlighting her own. I wanted to get a more intimate look at her, without the influence of this great tragedy.

    1. That's true, that would've made for a great movie too. But i liked seeing how she dealt with all of this. The JFK conspiracy kind of overshadows everything else for me, so it was nice to see this side.

  6. SO glad you loved this! It's really such a hypnotic film. I was totally blown away by it. Loved Greta Gerwig, to the point where I kinda wish her part was a bit bigger. It's Portman's show, but Pablo Larrain does such an incredible job bringing it all together.

    1. I'm just so happy Gerwig can play something different you have no idea. lol

  7. Her performance was spectacular, and she deserves the Oscar for this one, NOT Emma Stone. LOL I tried to do the "Jackie voice" just now, and it's so damn hard!!! The movie itself got a little HBO-ish for me, and without Portman in the title role, I don't think it would have been good.

    1. It is! I was trying to do it too afterwards and I just sounded like someone who perhaps vaguely heard a British accent once in their life. lol.

      I agree, Portman elevated it. Give her that Oscar.

  8. Lovely movie! I was so excited to finally see this and the wait definitely paid off. Natalie was amazing, the cinematography was beautiful, and how it built up to Jack's assassination was so intriguing and haunting.

    1. It was! She easily gave the best lead actress performance this year, IMO.

  9. Good review. I am seeing this on Tuesday and like you, never thought of Jackie Kennedy much...interesting to see a biopic to give her some light


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