Thursday Movie Picks: Clones/Doppelgängers

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is about Clones/Deopplegangers. I think it goes without saying there's going to be some spoiler alerts here. These are my favorites: 

1) Moon

Sam thinks he's on the tail end of his time on the moon until he finds out some very troubling information. This film is so underrated everywhere else outside of the online film community. Sam Rockwell should've gotten an Oscar nomination.

2) Never Let Me Go

The kids in this movie are clones made for the specific purpose of being organ donors. As in, all of their organs. It's a scary thought wrapped up in a beautiful movie. 

3) The Reconstruction of William Zero

A geneticist wakes up from an accident and has to learn the hard way what he had been working on before he had his accident. I watched this film because the wonderful Melissa McBride had a small part. It's not without its flaws, but was a decent watch. 


  1. I can't believe I still haven't seen Moon.

  2. I've only seen Moon from your picks and loved it! It's one of my favorite Sam Rockwell movies.

    1. Mine too. It's my favorite performance of his.

  3. No one chose Logan :( Never Let me Go is so beautiful and Rockwell is just eternally snubbed by the Oscars, what the hell is wrong with these people

    1. I think I wrote this before seeing Logan. lol. Agree bout Never Let Me Go. love that film.

  4. Moon and Never Let Me Go... YES!!! I've never heard of The Reconstruction of William Zero.

    1. William Zero I don't think got a proper release after its festival circuit.

  5. I LOVE Moon. I haven't heard of the last one either but will have a look.

  6. Moon was such a nice surprise, I sought it out after seeing and liking Source Code and was very impressed. Agree about Rockwell and that nomination.

    I liked but didn't love Never Let Me Go despite that great cast.

    Your last is new to me I'll have to look into tracking it down.

    I thought this was going to be tough but looking around I found that the theme has been used in many genres so it turned out to be rather a snap.

    The Devil’s Double (2011)-During Saddam Hussein’s iron fisted reign in Bagdad Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper), a lieutenant in the Iraqi army, is called to the palace and told that because of his resemblance to Hussein’s depraved son Uday (also Cooper) he is commanded to be his body double or his family will be exterminated. Having no choice but sickened by the corruption, inhumanity and evil he witnesses he searches for a way to escape and save his family at the same time. This is Cooper’s movie all the way and he’s just great but it’s a hard film to watch.

    Dave (1993)-Dave Kovic (Kevin Kline) is an affable Midwesterner, running a temp agency and making appearances at small events due to his resemblance to the current US president, Bill Mitchell (also Kline). The Secret Service takes note of the similarity whisking Dave off to the capitol as a stand-in for Mitchell at an event. While there an emergency arises, Bill Mitchell has suffered a devastating stroke and his power mad aide Bob Alexander (Frank Langella-oozing slime) and press secretary Alan (Kevin Dunn) talk Dave into assuming his place theoretically for the good of the country. Actually Alexander is seeking to usurp the political reins until he can figure out how to take full control. At first the subterfuge is known only by the two and a dutiful Secret Service agent Duane Stevenson (Ving Rhames) but as Dave starts to rebel against their treachery and display his very different personality First Lady Ellen Mitchell (Signourney Weaver) begins to suspect. There’s plenty more machinations in store all delightfully directed by Ivan Reitman and put over by exactly the right performer in each role. Thoroughly beguiling comedy with a perfect cast.

    I Was Monty’s Double (1958)-A retelling of the true event where an enlisted man, M. E. Clifton James (who plays himself) was chosen to imitate Field Marshal Montgomery--the leader of the British forces during WWII. The plan (Operation Copperhead) was to have Monty’s double go on a tour of North Africa around the same time as the Normandy invasion in Northern France--so that the Germans would assume the assault would come later than actually planned and from the South. The film is about the formation and execution of the ultra-top secret plan but while it treats the subject seriously it leavens the situation with a much needed humorous undertone aided by a terrific British cast including John Mills and Cecil Parker.

    1. I haven't seen any of your picks this week, though Dave seems oddly familiar. Maybe I've seen part of it?

    2. I highly, highly recommend Dave! It's a complete charmer crammed with familiar faces and terrific performances. Devil's Double is VERY intense in parts but it's a great showcase for Cooper.

  7. Moon.. oh, lovely to see it being mentioned so much this week! And Never Let Me Go... sort of a hit and miss for me but memorable enough.

    1. That last shot of Keira on the operating table will never leave me :(

  8. Moon seems to be the pick of the week, and with good reason. It's fantastic. Everyone lives Never Let Me Go, but I thought it was meh. Michael Bay's The Island has the same premise and is more fun. I know...I know, Michael Bay, but I had a ball with it. I never heard of that last one.

    1. I only saw The Island once in theaters. Never Let Me Go I liked because the face of it does not scream cloan/sci fi.

  9. Not heard of the last film. Both Moon and Never Let Me Go were sad in my eyes, bit for different reasons. The latter is so painful and I don't feel anyone got closure. But it is beautiful.

  10. Moon sounds excellent! I have to see that film. I don't know the others but never let me Go sounds quite scary and all too real actually

    1. Never Let Me Go is a very beautiful film, I recommend it. Moon too!

  11. Great picks! Never Let Me Go... I need to rewatch that one. Only saw it once in the theater. I really dug it but I forgot how painfully beautiful it is.

  12. I loved Moon and Never Let Me Go, but I'd never heard of The Reconstruction of William Zero. Great list!


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