Against The Crowd Blogathon 2017

If you've spent any time here, you know how much I love Dell and his blog. He and his co-host KG are bringing back one of my favorite events, the Against The Crowd blogathon! This is my 3rd year participating.(2015 and 2016) Here are the rules in his own words:

1. Pick one movie that "everyone" loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have a score of 75% or more on Tell us why you hate it.

2. Pick one movie that "everyone" hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of 35% or less on Tell us why you love it.

3. Include the tomato meter scores of both movies.

4. Use one of the banners in this post, or feel free to create your own.

5. Let us know what two movies you intend on writing about in one of the following ways:
Comment on this post
Comment on KG's Movie Rants
Tweet me @w_ott3

Tweet KG @KGsMovieRants1

Now, I was ready to tear apart the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast then I saw it was at 71% and didn't qualify. I didn't think it was that low. (though it deserves lower) Since the Planet of the Apes trilogy just finished in spectacular fashion, trilogies have been on my mind lately, and one particular one is always hailed as being the one of the best: Toy Story. 

But you know what?

Fuck the Toy Story sequels. Toy Story 3 in particular. 

I'm supposed to feel nostalgic about this. I was Andy's age when the first Toy Story came out. I could relate, and I loved it. But now I'm an adult and I'm supposed to feel all weepy about the toys no longer being needed? Sorry. You offered nothing new.

Toy Story 3 follows the same basic formula but manages to be even more annoying than the 2nd film. Its villain is just Toy Story 2's villain in teddy bear form. It's all just a rehash of a sequel that already didn't work. Someone grows up and abandons a toy, someone gets taken, they must break them out, token barbie doll joke. Rinse. Repeat. I will never understand why this trilogy is so highly regarded when two of the movies are trash.

At least films like Finding Dory tried something new when using the same formula. Speaking of trying something new, let me bring you back to 1992 and a cartoon who dared to be different and got shit on for trying:


Okay, I'll admit this film starts off on a really corny live action note and has a typical precocious child protagonist. But one thing it did that Toy Story 3 couldn't even dream of; it dared to be different. 

Rock-a-Doodle has some church bell sized balls. It has a magical owl that turns a boy into a cat. A singing rooster, a chicken who is essentially being forced to be an escort among other things. There's drinking and heavy themes. I can't think of a single cartoon that even comes close to being similar to Rock-A-Doodle and I'm surprised to see it has such a low tomatometer rating. This wasn't bad. The songs were catchy and it was creative. You know who can't say that? Toy Story 3

Thank you for reading Against The Crowd: Petty Cartoon Edition. Thank you, Dell and KG for hosting!


  1. Toy Story 3 is my favorite from the trilogy! I never thought about the villains of the sequels being similar but looking at it, it does make sense.

  2. I suppose this will come as no shock but these being animation I've seen neithe but I did enjoy reading your take on them. I did willingly watch the first Toy Story....HATED it so very much.

    1. I really liked the first Toy Story, but I was also 6. I hated everything that came after. Even now with everything Pixar has put out, Toy Story wouldn't be near the top.

  3. Thanks for the love, Brittani...and thanks for participating...but...but...I dunno, Britt. Toy Story 3......Toy Story 3? I f$&*@#% love that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I mean, I'm willing to give Rock-a-Doodle a chance, but Toy Story 3? Say it ain't so, Britt, say it ain't so! Please?

    1. It's just not worthy of that high of a tomato score lol. I'm sorry take me back.

  4. I've seen Rock-a-Doodle and... no, I didn't like it.

  5. *GASPS* Toy Story is one of the best trilogies ever made. I will concede that they often aren't very original. They pretty much made the same movie twice with the sequels. But it's so well done and really hit me hard thinking about the toys (and behaviours) that are abandoned as one ages.

    I haven't seen Rock-a-Doodle but I'll give it a look because I do love animation and films that dare to be different.

    Thanks for adding your voice...I'm still not over you saying F*$k Toy Story 3 :D

    1. I should've put a trigger warning on this post lol. Thank you for hosting. :)

  6. Nice picks especially with ROCKADOODLE!!! I loved that movie so much when I was kid. It's so rare to find someone else who's seen it. Toy Story 3 was shitty. The only part I liked was the sad clown toy on the kitchen sill. You're so right about the teddy bear villain, which at the theme parks is often treated like a hero (??). And I thought throwing the toys into the incinerator was pretty violent or at least mature for little kids to see.


      I've never been at a theme park with TS3 there, I had no idea that thing has a different story. Not surprising.

      I never realized so few people had seen Rockadoodle because everyone I know in real life has. This has been eye opening.

  7. Wow, Brittani. You done f--ked up now, huh?

    HAhahahaha....I actually like Toy Story 2 the best, so clearly, what the f--k do I know? Oh, and you were SIX when the first one came out? For f--k's sake...I was in high school and I loved that shit.

    I don't even know what Rock-a-doodle is but f--k that noise.

    1. Rock-A-Doodle is awesome, damn it! I'd rather watch that again then 90% of the movies my son makes me watch with him. (including Toy Story 3 lol)

  8. Toy Story 3 really connected with me because like Andy I was leaving home for the first, the time I watched Toy Story 3 was leading up to the moment I would not be in th same house as my parents for longer than a week. That what the film was about to me, and for that reason I loved it.

    Haven'teven heard of Rock-a-Doodle.

    1. I was already out of the house so there was nothing for me to relate to there. Even then, I don't think I would've liked it.

  9. But...the toys were holding hands waiting to die!

    1. Maybe they should've have, then Toy Story 4 wouldn't be in the works.

  10. I liked The Toy Story flicks and just recently played Hands Down-A fun game from my childhood....I want to play it again. I would like to see Rock a Doodle as it sounds a bit dark which I like and if it screws with kid's heads...all the better. I know I am a bit evil

    1. Nah, I like those darker movies too. That's why The Secret of NIMH was always my favorite.


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