Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: The Entertainment Business

It's another TV week from Wandering Through the Shelves. This week we're talking about the entertainment business. This one was a bit tough for me. (Seriously, I almost chose Hannah Montana) but I managed to find three shows that I enjoyed.

1) Feud: Bette and Joan

This was such a fantastic mini series. Bette Davis and Joan Crawford were already larger than life and Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange were the perfect powerhouses to play them.

2) American Dreams

This show wasn't on very long, but it was about American Bandstand and they frequently had singers like Kelly Clarkson guest star in roles. Most of those performances can be found on Youtube.

3) 30 Rock 

I didn't watch all of 30 Rock, this is one of those shows that I would sit down and watch if it was on, but never followed it all the way through. Even so, every episode I saw was hilarious. 


  1. Hannah Montana is the only I've seen so I'm skipping this week. I've been meaning to watch 30 Rock though.

    1. My nieces were into Hannah for a long time so I only now it from the few times I saw it with them.

  2. I freaking love 30 Rock! Such a funny show. All those celebrity cameos and supporting roles were amazing

    1. I don't know why I didn't watch it more consistently because I liked every episode I saw.

  3. I haven't seen any of these.... whoops. I've been meaning to watch 30 Rock but I don't know why I haven't. I also haven't seen The Office so maybe I don't like comedies that much. :D

    1. I don't do a lot of comedies either for TV shows. Highly recommend Feud though!

  4. While I thought Feud was fine I was disappointed in it overall. I guess because I was so familiar with both the situation and the women involved I was irked by the liberties taken with both the facts and the characters. I thought Jessica Lange's work was good, though she didn't really suggest the real Joan Crawford but Sarandon was way off with Bette Davis. Doubly disappointing since she seemed such ideal casting.

    I think I watch an episode or two of American Dreams but never got into it. Likewise with 30 Rock.

    Boy this was a tough week as you said with you almost having to use Hannah Montana-which I've never watched-and I had to stretch to using one that I wasn't really that crazy about as my last.

    Buffalo Bill (1983-1984)-Unconventional and innovative comic drama of Bill Bittenger (an award level Dabney Coleman), an insufferable egotistical Buffalo talk show host and his long suffering staff (including Geena Davis, Joanna Cassidy and Meshach Taylor) who he thinks nothing of treating like dirt. Sharp, incisive and critically adored this always struggled in the ratings because despite his brilliance Coleman’s Bill was nearly impossible to warm to.

    Good Morning, Miami (2002-2007)-Lightweight comedy of hot shot producer Jake Silver (Mark Feuerstein) undertaking the reconstruction of one of the worst talk show on TV, a Miami morning chat show with a blowhard host and a nun for a weathergirl. The series followed his attempts to improve the show and the wacky cast. Never a huge hit but it had a decent group of performers including the late great Suzanne Pleshette as Feuerstein’s plain talking grandmother.

    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006-2007)-Behind the scenes comedy drama of the chaos that goes into making a Saturday Night Live type program. A lot of high grade talent (Matthew Perry, Bradley Whitford, Sarah Paulson etc.) in front of and behind (Aaron Sorkin created this) the camera but it never found its footing or audience and the cast never truly gelled.

    1. Studio 60 interests me but I never watched it. I can't say I've seen any of your picks this week.

  5. I do remember American Dreams. Never liked that show. I just couldn't see Usher as a young Marvin Gaye. I didn't write anything for this week's list as I could only come up with Entourage (ugh) and Austin & Ally.

    1. This was pretty hard, but Feud is wonderful. I highly recommend that show.

  6. I would love to see Feud and see if it is right on track or, like Joel, I will be disappointed in it. I never saw American Dreams nor 30 Rock but would like to take that one in.

    1. It's a Ryan Murphy show so I wouldn't go in expecting everything to be accurate, but a lot of what they did with What Ever Happened To Baby Jane specifically was right out of the IMDb trivia section.

  7. My experience with 30 Rock is exactly the same as yours. Great call. Haven't seen the other two.

  8. I never watched American Dreams and I'm not really sure why. Probably wasn't on at a good time or something?

    YAY for 30 Rock! And FEUD. SO GOOD.

    1. Yaass Feud! I didn't watch American Dreams when it was on, I caught a marathon of it right when it was cancelled. It wasn't bad.

  9. I did not like bored me a little.

    American Dreams I did watch, but I remember none of the guest stars.


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