Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Horror

Happy Halloween! Our final festive theme at Wandering Through The Shelves is horror on the small screen. The only rule I gave myself is that I wouldn't use the TV shows I picked last year and thankfully there's still some great things out there. 1) The Haunting of Hill House This was an excellent mini series last year that I binged quite quickly. It even managed to get me with a jump scare. 2) Stranger Things While season 3 moved away from it's normal Halloween setting and instead happened during the 4th of July, it only made it slightly less creepy. 3) Black Mirror While this show as a whole isn't specifically horror themed. You can't argue with the fact that most of the episodes are literal horror movies. Whether you're being chased by robots, put in a scary video game simulator, or being blacked mailed into fucking a pig on national television.