Thursday Movie Picks: Love in the Tech Age

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is about love in the tech age. I stretched this theme a bit. My favorite techy movies have love in them, but only one pick has it as a main focal point. Here are three movies where technology played into love.

1) Her

I think this movie will be popular. Theo falls in love with his operating system, Samantha. It's one of my favorite movies and so beautiful.

2) Chatroom

This film is about teens in a chatroom, and it's staged in a way where it looks like they are sitting in a hotel room talking to each other. There isn't a central romance between characters, but one of the teens, Emily feels unloved by her parents. It's a very clever film with an amazing cast.

3) Searching

This film is shot entirely on computer screens, tablets and phones. While the plot is about a father looking for his missing daughter - why did that daughter go missing? Because a boy fell in love with her and catfished her. 


  1. One day I am gonna send that DM and you guys will be able to use the movie based on my trial for part two of this theme 😂

    1. LOOOOOOOOOOL I should've edited this and made your Twitter feed a bonus pick.

  2. I still have to see Her and will one day. I have not seen the other 2 and not sure I will based on how it is filmed

    1. Her is definitely my favorite of the three, you should see it!

  3. Her is certainly a popular pick this week. I also liked Searching a lot more than I expected. I usually get turned off by films of that style, but the film was good.

    1. The trailer for Searching was SO BAD too. I could not believe the movie was as good as it was after watching the awful trailer.

  4. I have Searching on my DVR list while Her is a film I love but I chose to go with a theme within a theme approach and do something totally different instead of picking something expected. Chatroom is the one film I haven't seen though I'm not sure if I want to.

    1. Chatroom is interesting. I hope you like Searching, that film is far better than it had any right being lol.

  5. OH MY GOD how did I not think of Searching? I freaking loved that movie! I too picked Her but wasn't a fan. I will give it another chance sooner or later though.

    1. I felt like I reached a bit with Searching since it wasn't a huge love story lol.

  6. We match with Her! I figured it would be a popular film. Haven't seen any of your other picks, though.

  7. Searching had such a cool concept but I did not get over the fact that the detective in there gave the father a task to do. Like.. it felt so unbelievable that it bothered me so much so the plot had some blah moments but the idea.. so good!

    BUT Searched is a love story, it's about parental love.

    1. That's true lol. I didn't think of that until after I had watched the film.

  8. I thought of Her right off but did think much of it. I haven't seen the other two nor heard of them until now.

    This has been a crazy week and I didn't have time to find films when I realized I'd already used the two I'd thought of right off-Desk Set (a Tracy/Hepburn romantic comedy about a reference department's push back when a computer-which takes up a whole room!-is installed in their office. And Bells Are Ringing-Judy Holliday's final film where she works for an answering machine company and becomes involved in the customers lives eventually falling for one of them-Dean Martin. I hate to double dip if I can help it so hopefully next week will be better.

  9. I didn't like chatroom at all. But searching I really like...I definitely wasn't able to guess the whys and whos to blame for the girl going missing.

    1. I'm glad someone else has at least seen Chatroom lol


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