Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Book Adaptations

It's another TV theme at Wandering Through The Shelves and this time we're talking about shows that have been adapted from novels. I am nothing if not a predictable bitch, so no surprises with what I'm picking. 1) Game of Thrones - I can't not pick one of my favorite shows of all time. Yes, even with those disastrous final seasons, I refuse to let that take away all the hours of great TV, fun speculation and the amazing online friends I made along the way. Despite the show runners tanking it, so many good parts live on. 2) House of the Dragon - So funny thing about Fire & Blood, the novel this show is based on. I didn't like it. It can best be described as Targaryen bullshit, though some parts were admittedly interesting. This show makes it easily digestible and fun to watch. 3) Sharp Objects - How this mini series didn't win ALL the Emmys is beyond me. This is how you properly adapt a book to show.