Thursday Movie Picks: Dance Movies

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is dance movies! They cannot be musicals. I almost did this post on the worst dance movies I've ever seen, since I've suffered through You Got Served, Honey, and Step up, but I decided to stick with things I like, so here are my favorites. 

1) Save the Last Dance

You have no idea how many times I watched this movie as a teenager. Just writing about it now makes me want to watch it again. 

2) Black Swan

I know I've used Black Swan on a past theme, but I have to use it here as well. I just can't skip it. It fits perfectly. This is a film I could watch over and over.

3) Billy Elliot

This is the movie that introduced me to Jamie Bell. He's excellent in it and it's very endearing. It did become a musical eventually, but since it didn't start as one I think it counts. 

Bonus: Drop Dead Gorgeous - Not a dance movie, but I love Amber's tap dance scene. 

Bring It On - Hey, they said "Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded." That sort of counts, right?


  1. Billy Elliot definitely counts. Love it. Really didn't care for the musical though.

    1. I never saw the musical, but I love the film so much.

    2. FINALLY someone else who didn't like the musical! The movie is so good and they essentially changed the whole concept for the musical and I don't think it works nearly as well.

    3. I saw the musical in Montreal and, while I didn't love it like I do the movie, the kid playing Billy Elliot was amazing.

  2. Nice choice with Black Swan, I chose it as well (as you already know). It is very intense stuff, shows dancing in a different light to what I'm used to seeing.

    1. Exactly. It showed a lot of the grittiness of ballet that I don't think too many people consider.

  3. Bring it On!!!

    Love that we match up twice! Black Swan was on my initial list, but I changed it because Wandering had it on hers.

    Billy Elliot is LOVE!

    1. Aw, that would've been awesome if we matched all three. I write these things months in advance. (I think I have all the way until Aug in my drafts)

  4. I quote Bring It On ALL the time. You're right that it technically isn't a dance movie, but they do a lot of dancing in it! Save the Last Dance is a classic. I DIE when they break out into their little routine at the club. And her solo at the end is one of the best final dances ever.

    Black Swan is, of course, amazing.

  5. Love Save the Last Dance and Black Swan. Gonna have to see Billy Elliott. It's getting lots of love this week.

  6. Thank God someone finally included Black Swan in this week's installment :)

    1. I usually try not to use the same movies more than once, but how can you not use Black Swan here?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Slammin'! Yes! I had to drive a few hours for Black Swan too, definitely worth it.

  8. Love these! And it's awesome to see Bring It On get a special mention. :)

  9. Great picks! I wanted to go with Save the Last Dance this week too, but I don't remember much from it.

    1. I have the urge to watch it again..I actually own it on DVD.

  10. SAVE THE LAST DANCE is a guilty pleasure of mine, love that movie. I haven't seen BILLY ELLIOT in such a long time but I'm sure it's still good today. Haven't seen BLACK SWAN yet but I see that's the most common title used today. Ironic how you mentioned BRING IT ON, I was actually considering using that one since as you quoted cheerleaders are dancers but in the end went with three other titles.

    Mike's Cinema

    1. I figured I'd get flak I actually used Bring It On. Black Swan is my favorite movie on here, you should definitely check it out.

  11. Holy shit...Bring it On is the best. The Dush was soooo huge in that movie.

    As for something relevant to your actual post, I would have to say that I need to see Billy Elliot. The other two I've seen. One, I saw in the theater, and the other I really had no idea what the f--k was going on. I'll let you decide which is which.

  12. Billy Elliot is probably the only film of Stephen Daldry that I've seen so far that I actually liked. Everything else, not so much. Bring It On is a guilty pleasure.

    1. I think I actually had the music to their cheer routines on a burned CD when I was in high school. I loved that movie.

  13. Great post! I'm beginning to think I need to see Save the Last Dance.

  14. Black Swan and Billy Elliott are great choices. I doubt that I'll ever see Save the Last Dance because I can not abide Julia Stiles, it's bad enough when she's in support but a lead role would be torture. Love the mention of Bring It On!

    1. lol I really loved her when I was a teenager. I still have a soft spot for her. I'm surprised she doesn't get more lead roles.

  15. Yes to Black Swan and Billy Elliot. And you know what...I did think about picking Bring It On too...such a fun movie :)


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