Thursday Movie Picks: Superhero Movies

How fitting that as Age of Ultron approaches us that this week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is something that people either really love, or are really getting sick of: Superhero movies. Lucky for me, I'm still in the camp that loves them, so here are my favorites.

1) The Dark Knight

This is my all time favorite superhero movie, and I'm not sure if anything will ever top it to be honest. Avengers came close, but Heath Ledger's Joker is always going to be perfect for me.

2) The Avengers

I wanted to scream "THIS IS AWESOME" several times during this film. I hope Age of Ultron is just as good. (Even though after reading some of the spoilers, something is going to piss me off greatly)

3) Super

In the first time in my Thursday Movie Pick history, I'm doing a revision. It dawned on me after I posted this that I left out one Superhero flick that I really, REALLY love. So I had to swap out X2 for this little gem Super. He might not be an *actual* Superhero, but he tells crime to shut up, so he wins.

Honorable Mention: X2: X-men United, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Spiderman 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hellboy 2, Thor 2


  1. Ha, Super, I wondered if it would make a list! Such a bizarre little movie

    1. I can't believe I didn't think of it initially. I love that movie.

  2. I'm going to be really immature here, but the fact that the UK gets marvel movies before US fills me with glee. Haha. I got take each small victory.

    Nice choices, it's nice to get different types of superhero movies from the relaxed and enjoyable (Avengers) to the more intense (Batman).

    1. lol, we get everything else first so it's only fair that Europe gets to have that feeling too.

  3. So happy you picked The Dark Knight. I was afraid people would try to avoid it because it's so popular but it really is my favourite. It raised the bar so much that it made it hard for me to watch the more cartoonish Avengers.
    I started loving Super the moment Rainn Wilson started bashing someone's face in for cutting in line at the movies. That's when I realized"Okay, this is a different kind of super hero movie". Super is messed up in the best way.

    1. And it got so dark at the end too. And I loved Kevin Bacon's line about "She left you for me because I'm fucking INTERESTING!"

      The Dark Knight is really the best of the best.

  4. I need to see Super!

    And...why are you reading spoilers!?!?!?! NO!

    1. I'm addicted to spoilers. I can never stop reading them. They WANT me to read them. lol

  5. I'm so glad someone else picked Super (I almost included it myself since I thought it was hilarious, and far better than the much-beloved Kick-Ass, which I liked but didn't love) - but disappointed that of those three, you kicked off X2, easily the greatest superhero franchise movie of the modern era.

    I'm not a fan of The Dark Knight, but there is no denying Ledger's brilliance as The Joker. The Avengers was fun in spurts, but by the end felt a bit generic. I do appreciate what Marvel was able to do with the films leading up to it, though - essentially creating a giant adventure serial for the modern era. It's impressive.

    1. Ha, sorry. I love X2, but it had to go for Super. I agree, it is far superior to Kick Ass. I didn't care for that one at all despite loving Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

  6. I still need to see Super. Love the Dark Knight pick. Seeing it in the theater in the summer of '08 was such an event.

  7. Super is hilarious. I can't believe Ellen Page killed Kirk from Gilmore Girls, that was funny. Plus, she was hella-sexy in her costume and I was quite turned on by her in that scene where she rapes Rainn Wilson.

    1. omg that was one of the most awkward scenes I've ever seen. I couldn't believe it was happening.

  8. TDK is indeed the greatest superhero flick of all time. Nothing is even close for me now, not even The Avengers.

    I have a weird relationship with Super. It's a wonderfully dark and twisted. It was a mess, structurally, and that ruined it for me. It is extremely memorable, though.

    1. Aww, yeah it didn't have the strongest legs to stand on, but I'm pretty sure that film's entire budget was $100, so I'll give it a pass. lol

      Yeah, I don't think anything will ever top TDK for me. It was just so perfect.

  9. Super is the only film I haven't watched. I also love The Dark Knight and The Avengers, but I thought they would be obvious choice, so I didn't include them.

    But seriously, there's nothing more awesome than watching a bunch of superheroes united!

    1. Yeah, I figured a lot of other people would pick them (but surprisingly they were not the most popular) but I love them too much not to include them.

  10. I haven't seen Super though it sounds good. Loved Dark Knight and The Avengers.

    1. Super is a great little film. You should check it out.

  11. Shut up crime! I wasn't completely sold on that one the first time I saw it, but it's grown on me after a couple viewings. Also, there's an awful lot of 2's in your honorable mentions which isn't surprising. As for your other two choices, very much expected, but still very well deserved. - Bubbawheat

    1. Thanks! Yeah, some sequels really just hit the mark for me, Superhero-wise.

  12. I still haven't seen The Avengers. Truth be told. I avoid these movies, but I've heard good things. I had a perfect three, plus The Incredibles. The only other ones I like are just the rest of the same franchises. I've never seen nor heard of Super. Interesting.

    1. Super was a really small film, but so good. It was hilarious and got very dark towards the end.

  13. Nice picks! The Dark Knight is such an unforgettable superhero movie. I think it really changed how superhero movies can be so dark, and Heath's performance is incomparable.

    Not being a Marvel fan, I have a difficult time agreeing with the general praise for Avengers. I never feel like giving up on it though. Eventually, I'll see what I'm missing...after all the hype is gone. haha

    1. lol. I'm a Marvel apologist, they just put out *mostly* fun movies.

    2. haha No need to apologize. :D

  14. Great choices! I really need to see Super!

    1. Super is hysterical, then it gets extremely dark at the end. It's jarring, but still very good.


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