Thursday Movie Picks: Teen Comedies

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is teen comedies. I think these type of films hold a special place in everyone's hearts. I've used a few teen comedies in other themes for this meme, so I'm going to try to pick different ones here. Here are my favorites. (And yes, I realize I didn't even try to be original this week)

1) American Pie

This was the big raunchy teen comedy of my high school years, even though I was technically only in junior high when the first one premiered. I love these films, with the exception of American Wedding. That was terrible.

2) Superbad

I about pissed myself the first time I saw this movie because it reminded me of so many people I went to high school with.

3) Jawbreaker

This was another one of my junior high favorites. It's even more comical to me now because Jesus, no one looked like a teenager in it. And no school would allow that dress code. 


  1. American Pie is one of those films that is iconic and yet...I just don't find it that funny. Like, it's funny...but once you've seen it the funny doesn't last. The second time I watched it, I don't think I laughed unless Stiffler was on the screen, to be honest.

    What happened to Seann William Scott?

    Love SO MUCH! Now THAT movie is funny every single fucking time!

    1. I have no idea what happened to Seann William Scott. He was hilarious in Role Models, but I don't think I've seen him in anything sense then.

      The American Pie movies have great soundtracks. That just increases my love for them (except American Wedding because fuck that one)

    2. Wasn't he like in that hockey movie - I can't remember the name and don't know if it was before or after Role Models.

      Jawbreakers - I know...I mean like if they no longer look like teen why not dress them to be more like teens? And look at their tiny handbags.

      Wandering through the Shelves

    3. Goon! That's right, I actually really liked that one and completely forgot about it.

  2. I was Class of 99 just like the kids in American Pie were so it's always had a special place in my heart. I must have seen it every week it was in theaters that summer.

    1. Aw, I bet! That's sweet. Mean Girls came out when I was a jr in high school like them, so that's the one I relate to, but I just love American Pie.

  3. Nice picks! I would likely include Dazed & Confused, and, of course, Mean Girls is going to be a favorite in this category.

    1. I love Mean Girls, but I used them before so I didn't want to again. Dazed is a good one too, though not my favorite.

  4. American Pie! I agree with Drew that it doesn't quite hold up over the years, but it has a lot of sentimental value. "This one time, at band camp...."

    I really want to see Jawbreaker, because I love Rose McGowan, and it looks like an awful campy delight.

    1. It really is. They are the most unbelievable high schoolers ever, but man do I love that movie.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh man "Have fun fucking Jules" I about died in that movie.I think my favorite line is "I'm going to give you the best blow J ever...with my mouth"

      I'm glad you picked Jawbreaker too, that film is underrated.

  6. Oh I completely forgot about Superbad! Man, I loved that film. I've never even heard of Jawbreaker, but I think I want to see it!
    - Allie

    1. Jawbreaker is so ridiculous that I can't help put love it. I think it came out in 1999? I was expecting to see Superbad a lot this week.

  7. Another three which I haven't seen (or in the case of American Pie don't remember seeing), I am that behind in the genre...But I have seen bits and bobs of Superbad that probably add up to a whole movie.

    1. These are wonderful, you should definitely see them!

  8. I've only seen American Pie, it isn't something I return to often but it was funny the first time. I'll have to catch the other two. I have a weakness for teen comedies, they're usually dumb but I'm always willing to give them a chance so thanks for the two new titles to check out.

    1. Superbad is hysterical and Jawbreaker is just awesome.

  9. I love American Pie movies, they still make me laugh. And Superbad is hysterical!

  10. I'd never heard of Jawbreaker -- I love your comment about the dress code. I am not a fan of American Pie, but my husband loves it. :-) He agrees with you that American Wedding was dreadful.

    1. They're all wearing spaghetti strap tanks and high heels to high school every day. I guess my high school had a rule against spaghetti straps, but that always stood out to me. No one dresses like that.

  11. Ah... I was in my senior year when Jawbreakers came out. It's hilarious and I do like those other films including Superbad.

    1. I think I ended up watching Jawbreaker on TV or something, I loved it.

  12. Nice list this week. American Pie and Superbad were both funny initially but haven't really held up for repeat viewings. Haven't even heard of Jawbreaker, but will add that to my watchlist.

    Mike's Cinema

  13. I love how you focused on the male-centric teen comedies. 2 out of 3 at least. I love all the original cast American Pie movies. I actually saw the first two at the theater. Such great memories! I don't know why I didn't think of that one. Superbad rules!

    1. I didn't get to see the first American Pie in theaters, but I saw the rest there. I remember taping the first one off of Starz, then labeling it as something else so my parents didn't know I watched it. lol

  14. Great picks! I haven't seen American Pie but enjoyed your other two choices.

    1. You haven't seen American Pie? Wow! You should.

  15. Great choices! I really need to see Jawbreaker.

    1. You should! It's I kind of want to watch it again.

  16. I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen these but Jawbreakers sounds like something I would love.

    1. Really? None of them? Oh man. I think Superbad is the funniest, but Jawbreaker is very campy and needs to be seen for sure.


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