Review: Carol

Now you have my curiosity.

Therese (Rooney Mara) is a young woman working in a department story. She doesn't care much for the job, she really wants to be a photographer instead. One day she helps a woman named Carol, (Cate Blanchett) the curious attraction is there right away. When Carol leaves her gloves and Therese returns them, they strike up a friendship that eventually leads to something more. But this is the 1950's and Carol's soon to be ex husband Harge (Kyle Chandler) prove to be road blocks.

I read the novel this was based on a few months ago and just wasn't a fan. While I appreciate it for the time it was released, I thought it was dull. The film manages to be a little bit more dramatic, but the story still lacks depth.

The film is shot beautifully. It absolutely deserves its cinematography Oscar nom, if it didn't look like it does, it would be much worse. Blanchett and Mara are also great in their roles. They manage to teeter on their emotions. You always think things are going to go out of control, but they remain stern. Sarah Paulson and John Magaro also have small parts in which they do a great job. I'm still no fan of Kyle Chandler, the quality seems to drop when he's on screen.

Carol made me rethink how I initially graded The Danish Girl and The Hateful Eight. I actually went back and changed them, which is something I never do. With these three films, I felt like I was grading them for the way I wanted to see them and not how I really did. Because truth be told, I wanted to like these films more, but I just didn't. They had moments of brilliance, but were ultimately let downs.

Recommended: Yes (for the technical aspects of the film)

Grade: C

Memorable Quote: "I suppose you thought it was a man who sent back your gloves." - Therese (Rooney Mara)


  1. I was bored as shit during this. I thought Paulson was the only one with pulse here.

    1. I even went into this with the mindset of "I'm going to like this better than the book." I really blamed the edition I read and it turned out the story was just too dull.


    But I'll reserve for once I actually see it.




      No, seriously this movie is a snooze. I'm so disappointed. It was pretty to look at, that's about it.

  3. Glad to see I'm not the only one who isn't in on the Carol hype. It's very well-crafted on technical levels, but I thought the narrative was a snooze and the characters were flat.

    - Zach

    1. Exactly. The story is the most important part of the film and this one was so boring.

  4. This has a wonderful cast -- it's a shame you found it underwhelming.

  5. Looks like a snooze, but I'm game. I'm sure my wife would fall asleep during this one.

    Dude, I love Chandler. Yep.

    1. lol I hate Chandler. I just cringe when he's on screen. I hope you like this more than I did.

  6. Interesting since I only hear great things about this film but from your review and what people have written here, it sounds like it is a bit...boring. I do want to see it but will wait for video...I mean dvd:)

    1. I really wanted to like this film as much as everyone else, but it's just so dull.

  7. Nice review. I found it to be even worse. It struck me as meandering, tedious and really empty. The performances are good and its elegantly made but the story felt really weightless

  8. I hear ya, Brittani, sometimes I want to LOVE a certain film but just couldn't. Interesting thought about grading films... "I felt like I was grading them for the way I wanted to see them and not how I really did." I think that's always a conundrum isn't it, for us film critics. Sometimes I'd rather just TALK about the film and not worry about what grade to give it.

    1. I struggled with that when I first started blogging because I felt bad giving a movie a bad grade when everyone else loved that. I no longer care about that, but it was weird to have a feeling like that again with these three films lol.

  9. Couldn't agree more with you on this one. I was bored to tears and utterly disappointed. I couldn't feel the chemistry between the two characters at all...

    1. Nope. I could see their fascination with each other but that's about it.

  10. Nice review! I loved the 1950s production and costume design, but other than Cate Blanchett, I had a hard time connecting to the film. Considering this was the first LGBT novel of the 1950s that had a happily-ever-after, I was hoping the ending would be more cathartic. If you've ever seen Marty with Ernest Borgnine, I expected that type of happy ending where Therese couldn't wait to get back to Carol.. Otherwise, it was just meh.

    1. I haven't read them. This book is so important to the time it was released, I wanted to like it so much and just couldn't. It's really disappointing.

  11. Having seen this twice now, I'm a big fan. :( I even loved Chandler on a second viewing. Totally agree on Blanchett, Mara and the cinematography. They're brilliant.

    1. I'm not sure I could see this twice. lol. I just wasn't very taken in by it.


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