Review: Logan

She's just like you.

It's 2029, Logan (Hugh Jackman) is one of the few mutants left. There's no more X-Men, he isn't healing like he used to. He cares for Charles Xavier, (Patrick Stewart) who now suffers from Alzheimers in a secret location on the Mexican boarder. Then he crosses paths with a new mutant. An experiment, Laura (Dafne Keen) who is being pursued by the organization that made her. Charles and Logan must get her to the Canadian border to safety.

Nothing will ever make up for the continuity clusterfuck that has become the X-Men franchise, but Logan almost does. We've watched Logan through so many time lines, that's it hard not to take his new state personally. He's beat down, ill, has no nope. He's reluctant to help Laura. It's all Charles's idea at first, and it's hard to watch him in his current state as well.

Logan makes the best use of it's new R rating. It's brutal and gritty, which is exactly the way it needed to be. I don't think this story could've been told as well without it. You also experience a sense of real loss, which isn't common in super hero films.

Jackman is great, he always has been as Wolverine. The entire cast is strong, even the smaller parts, like a family that takes them in for the night during their travels are exceptional. 

Logan may be predictable, but it's one of those instances where that's okay. I haven't liked an X-Men movie completely since X2, this was everything I had hoped it would be.  I'm glad this film got to be Jackman's send off. (Unless of course they retcon him into the Avengers movies.)

Recommended: Yes

Grade: A-

Memorable Quote: "I always know it's you, I just don't recognize you sometimes." - Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart)


  1. I was pretty uninterested in this but Sean really liked it. He couldn't help himself.

    1. Like I said, I haven't liked an X-Men movie in years. This was a nice feeling.

  2. I so want to see this even though I actually lost all the connections with the X-Men films. I know the first 3 and then I know the next one..I think... is the X-Men with James McAavoy and Fassbender but I need to know the list of how each film came in sequence. Since my mom has dementia and was always scared of losing control of her mind, I am interested how they deal with this in this film. What happened to magneto and Storm and all the rest?.

    1. I didn't see Apocalypse and had no issue following along here. Really, the only relevant ones to the story are Wolverine and Professor X. The rest aren't addressed.

    2. With Hugh Jackman in retirement from 17 years as Wolverine.
      Who's gonna play the character now?

  3. I had zero desire to see this, but I'm glad I did! I loved it! It didn't feel like a typical superhero flick, and that's what I liked about it. My friend was an extra in the movie...the bride in the limo who showed her tits...didn't realize she was in it until I saw her on screen lol!

    1. omg really? That's hysterical. I hope she's proud of flashing Hugh Jackman, I would be lol.

    2. I would never leave that limo if I were her. They would need to call in SWAT to take me out of there

  4. The R rating made me want to see the film more, turning apathy in genuine interest as the film might have some sting in the tail. Good review. I am seeing this on Friday

  5. I can't get my shit together after seeing this. Hopefully Fox gives it amazing Oscar campaign

    1. Sadly I don't think they will, but the acting certainly warrants it.

  6. I had modest expectations for this movie, and now that positive reviews are coming out, I'm getting excited about seeing it.

    1. Same, the trailer looked good but I liked it so much more than I expected too.

  7. This movie was AMAZING! I really didn't know what to expect from it but I was really involved. The character development was so good. I can't stand the Xmen franchise anymore. The first two movies in the last run was good and then of course the third was awful. I'm sad to see Jackman not coming back as Wolverine but I guess he's had a long run. I'm sure they'll recast him soon since that character makes them so much money. The Daredevil trailer in front of the movie was great too!

    1. I think they'll recast him too, but that'll be a tough act to follow. I wouldn't even want to try if I was an actor.


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