Thursday Movie Picks: Remakes/Sequels You'd Want To See

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is very different from what we're used to. These movies don't actually exist yet. Wanderer asks us which sequels and/or remakes of films we would actually like to see? That's a good question. At first I thought I'd only stick with sequels, then I remembered an entire trilogy of films that should be remade. 

1) Moonlight

Our time with Chiron wasn't finished, damn it! I needed to see what happened to him and Kevin. I don't even need a full on sequel, just give me 20 more minutes. My curiosity is endless.  

2)  The Star Wars Prequels

I would redo all of these and remove them from canon. When we meet Anakin, he would already be an adult. There would be no Jar Jar, less politics, and no midicholrians. 

3) Ain't Them Bodies Saints

I would like a sequel that shows Ruth and Patrick actually living a good life together. 

Bonus: The Harry Potter Series - This is a bonus because I'd like to cherry pick, remake wise. Let's just cast someone else as Hermione and give all of Ron's great lines that were given to other characters back to him and show that he's equal to Ron and Hermione and not some goofy sidekick that has to stand in the background. So basically, no Emma Watson, no Steve Kloves, and lets lose Alfonso Cuaron for good measure too. Everyone else can stay.


  1. I agree on remaking the Star Wars prequels,they were awful, but Moonlight 2 is a film I'd never watch.

    1. It's less a Moonlight 2 and more of a "give me about 20 more minutes with Chiron" lol

  2. The world according to Brittani: I'm in.
    Sounds good.

  3. I have not seen Moonlight so I can't say anything but it reminds me of so many 70's films that would end on a very open note and i would sit there thinking, "That can't be the ending" because I wanted a true ending:) Oh those Star Wars..yes, remake them and get rid of that irritating kid and make Jar Jar a nice leather purse and some shoes. I have not seen your last movie pick but I am one for more happy endings so I'm in. Boy you dislike Emma Watson-hahahaa-I wonder how you will feel about Beauty and The Beast? I like her quite a bit and glad she was Hermione

    1. Yeah, I'm not watching Beauty and the Beast. I've tried so hard to like Watson because she was Hermione but she just can't act. She seems like a lovely girl, she just needs to tone it down.

  4. Hmmm. I can only comment on one of these and the HP's since I haven't seen Moonlight yet or Ain't Them Bodies Saints. I'm not much of a fan of the original Star Wars and the one prequel I saw was dreadful so while I wouldn't go see them they're certainly prime to be rethought.

    The Harry Potter's got progressively better as they went along but the first was awful so I wouldn't mind seeing someone take another crack at it. The problem is I can't imagine them finding anyone as perfect as Daniel Radcliffe for Harry. I'm similarly unimpressed with Emma Watson.

    This is a fun week since it's a chance to see what others think are good candidates for rethinks and companion pieces. Since we had multiple choice on the theme I went with the remake & sequel options. Sequel first:

    The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)-Sequels are tricky affairs usually a lesser shadow of the original but occasionally as with Aliens it works out well so I’m usually hopeful. Man from U.N.C.L.E. was a stylish, fast paced affair with a terrific vintage look and relaxed, enjoyable performances from the three leads and Hugh Grant as their wry boss. It didn’t perform as well as expected so this probably won’t happen which is too bad since it was a more realistic adventure with less reliance on CGI than most current actioners.

    And two remakes:
    I’m not much for remakes of classics, what’s the point? You can’t improve on perfection so unless a new perspective or element can be added leave well enough alone. My first is an example of adding a different element. However sometimes a good idea receives faulty execution, occasionally even the best filmmakers stumble and then I say have at it. That would be my second.

    8 Women (2002)-This French musical mystery farce is a one of a kind concoction, wonderfully entertaining with a cast full of the best feminine Gallic cast of the day (Catherine Deneuve, Fanny Ardant and Isabelle Huppert among them). It would have been hard for it to turn out better. But since women’s films and musicals are thin on the ground despite the abundance of talent available an American remake would be great to see especially since the cast runs across all adult age brackets, hell it even has a custom made role for Angela Lansbury as the matriarch.

    Topaz (1969)-Every great director has a lemon in their filmography, this exercise in boredom is Alfred Hitchcock’s. Sluggish to the point of ennui and indifferently acted it was difficult to get through even once. The thing is the basic story, a Russian agent defects and during his interview tells of another supposedly friendly country’s spy ring that is selling high risk secrets to the highest bidder, is a good one and has great potential to be made into an excellent film. If the studios feel the need to remake the Master’s work than start with this fumble and not one of his successes.

    1. I haven't seen any of your picks. The HP movies did get better, but I still think Prisoner of Azkaban is the worst considering what they did to the source material.

    2. 8 Women is such a wonderfully weird bird that I highly recommend. Topaz is SO awful and dull, such a shame since as I said there's a good premise there but you'd be wise to avoid it.

    3. Yeah, Topaz does not sound like my thing. lol

  5. Now you have piqued my curiosity about Moonlight.

  6. Agree.. Moonlight needs like a short movie ending for them two.. I just, what was that ending, I hate those types of endings. They just end without really ending, which is sad.

    1. I hadn't been that made at an ending since A Separation. I wanted more. lol

  7. Whoaaa... Moonlight! This kinda gives me a notion that we need a sequel of In the Mood for Love, too!

  8. I would want to see a remake of the Star Wars prequels! It wasn't memorable compared to the other movies in the series.

    1. I'd keep Anakin vs Obi Wan and Maul vs Qui Gon and Obi Wan, essentially. The rest changes. lol

  9. I thought Alfonso Cuaron was one of the better directors of the franchise, his contribution, to me, is the best looking of the franchise.

    I grew up with prequels so I hate no hatred towards them. Not perfect but I do like them.

    1. I grew up with them too, but I could never get on board with their version of Anakin. That's now how I expected him to be before Darth Vader, among other things.

  10. I really wanna see Aint Them Bodies Saints but lifeless Mara and shadier Affleck leading this...

    1. You should watch it, they're actually both perfectly cast for what the film calls for. Ben Foster is amazing in it.

  11. I'm with you on wanting more Chiron and Kevin, but I kind of think Moonlight ended perfectly. Not that a good sequel couldn't be made, but I kind of want Moonlight to stand alone, as its own thing.

    But oh yes, please let's go back in time and redo all the Star Wars prequels from the ground up. Those were mostly awful. I wouldn't be opposed to redoing the Harry Potter movies either, but I'd want it done as a TV series, like Game of Thrones, so that we could get at more of what was in the books. And get Tim Burton (who SHOULD have directed the first one instead of that hack Chris Columbus) or Guillermo del Toro to direct.

    1. Technically, it did end perfectly. I'm just greedy and want a little bit longer.

      HP TV series would actually be pretty cool. I'd watch that.

  12. I haven't seen Moonlight but that is a damn good choice and yes on re-doing the entire prequels.

    1. lol everyone wants new Star Wars Prequels, it seems.

  13. I haven't seen the other two, but I couldn't agree more about the Star Wars "prequels."

  14. Nice picks! The Star Wars prequels are such a guilty pleasure. If there's a marathon playing on tv, I'll put them on for background noise but they can still be so annoying. lol I'd love to see more of Kevin and Chiron in Moonlight too, though I like to think they end up together. :)

    1. I need Kevin and Chiron to be a couple and grow old together. I will never accept anything else.

  15. I'm one of those people who does not hate the Star Wars prequels. There are problems I can see that, but they're part of my childhood so I love them anyway.

    1. There are parts I liked, Revenge of the Sith in particular was mostly decent.

  16. Great picks! Ain't Them Bodies Saints... I really need to watch that one again. I totally agree that a sequel to it could be great.

    1. It's on Netflix right now, I watched it again recently myself.


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