Thursday Movie Picks - High School: TV Edition

It's the end of the month so we have another special TV edition. This week Wanderer wants us to talk about high school. You know, that thing for awkward people like me that we try to forget. However, here are some great shows about high school that I always recommend: 1) The Wonder Years The summer before 6th grade, I broke my foot and ended up spending a lot of time in bed because of it. Lucky for me, Nick at Nite had a Wonder Years marathon on that started from the beginning so I got to watch all of it. I was addicted to this show and when I excitedly told my dad how awesome it is, he had to gently tell me that it's an old show that was on in the 80's. It felt so modern compared to the other things I watched on Nick at Nite that I had no idea it wasn't a new show. Derp. 2) Ja'ime: Private School Girl This was a mini series that aired on HBO and it was fucking hysterical. Chris Lilly is apparently an Australian national treasure but this was my firs...