Review: Blade Runner 2049

You bought yourself a war.

K (Ryan Gosling) is a Blade Runner hunting down old Replicant models. He unearths a mind blowing secret during a job. When his boss (Robin Wright) sends him to investigate further, he realizes he's also connected to it. 

This movie has been quite the hot topic over the weekend. It didn't make nearly what was expected of it at the box office, and that's a shame because this film is really good. I get it, general audiences don't like long movies if they're not from huge franchises. But don't let the hefty run time scare you off. Yes, you'll feel it. That's natural, but every bit of it is interesting. I compare it to something like Blue is the Warmest Color. That's a long film, but I wouldn't cut a thing. I liked taking all of it in. 

I'd say this is Ryan Gosling's show, but it's almost cinematographer Roger Deakins'. This world, while dark and depressing. (almost too dark at times, which is my biggest fault of the film) is stunningly beautiful. He combines practical shots with CGI so effortlessly. He's so overdue for an Oscar it's almost offensive. I hope he gets one for this. 

Gosling is very good. He's a very straightforward guy, he doesn't have a lot of emotional moments but he balances it so well and I felt for him. Sylvia Hoeks, who plays Luv, another Replicant hunting him is another standout. One thing you should not expect going in is a lot of Harrison Ford. He doesn't show up until the two hour mark and he doesn't have many scenes with Gosling. I expected them to be together more, but Ford does not disappoint.

My only critiques is that the film does get too dark at times. It fits the mood but I'd rather be able to see the actors more clearly. The supporting cast left me wanting to see more. Many of these actors we only spend a short amount of time with. 

I haven't seen the original Blade Runner in many years. I remember it well enough but the film is still very enjoyable even if it's not fresh in your memory.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "I knew you were special." - Joi (Ana de Amas)


  1. Definitely one of the best films of the year so far. I don't know why people complain about films being too long. For me, if it has an engaging story and things to care about. Who cares how long it is.

    1. Exactly. If I'm interested throughout, I don't care about the length. But I get being hesitant about it. If I'm not really hyped for a movie and I see a nearly 3 hour run time, I might wait for DVD.

  2. I hear nothing but good things and the darkness of the first film was also my own critique but that might be due to my eyes.

    1. I forgot my glasses so that probably didn't help, but I think it's like that no matter what.

  3. The cinematography is award worthy, it's absolutely stunning! You're right about feeling the running time of the film but I didn't mind it. I think the length worked in its favor; I don't think anything could have been taken out.

    1. Agreed, there's nothing I would cut.


  4. I still haven't watched this one. For some reason I simply can't muster the excitement. And this is coming from someone who really liked the original film. Sigh...guess I better make time.

    1. I think it's definitely worth seeing in theaters. If not to help the box office which is unfairly low.

  5. I fell asleep during the first one...and never went back to revisit it. I should...but likely, it will be after catching 2049.

    Your review has me pumped...but I'm such a bitch about runtimes, you know?

    1. I can be too, I completely understand, but this one at least feels interesting. At no point could you wander away and not miss something.

  6. I definitely recommend watching the original Blade Runner. I got to see it in theaters (again) the night before 2049, and it gave me great perspective.

    You're right to say that this is Deakins' show. I hope he wins the Oscar, honestly.

    1. He'd better, I'm sick of getting so pissed about him not winning.

  7. It's a beautiful film. Maybe it isn't an all-time masterpiece, time will show... but I still just loved it. We simply don't get often movies like that often. Blade Runner 2049 manages to combine so many interesting ideas (both visual and non-visual), that I'm willing to close my eyes on some of its drawbacks (Leto's character was obviously intended as a follow-up to Roy Batty but felt totally useless)...

    And you're right on noting the contribution of Roger Deakins.

    1. Your right about Leto, I felt his presence loomed but I expected way more with his character. He was pretty secondary to Luv.

  8. I'll see how I will feel tomorrow if and I'm well enough to see it but considering they are electrocuting my wrist at 8 AM and I'd see this at 10 AM... it's gonna be a miracle if I make it. What on Earth is in this movie if Ford doesn't show up until 2h in and Leto is in 2 scenes? :P

    1. I think you'll like it, it's interesting and you've got a bit of Leto to tide you over while you wait for Ford. lol

  9. They would NEVER have done it, but I wish they had kept Ford's cameo a secret in all the advertising. Then it would have been a really fun moment. As it is, I still really liked the movie, mostly for how gorgeous it looks and sounds. The problem was that nearly every scene went on for at least a minute too long. Not that I felt the running time on the whole, but still.

  10. Great review! I absolutely loved this. One of my favorites of the year. Everything was simply great about it. I wouldn't cut a thing from it either. :)


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