Thursday Movie Picks: Halloween Edition - Body Horror

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves will kill your appetite: Body Horror. I'm mostly nice with the gifs so it's okay if you're reading this while eating breakfast.

1) Starry Eyes

This is about an actress that will do anything to make it big. Even selling her soul to a casting agency for a dangerous price. This was a great little film, but hard to find a non spoilery gif for.

2) Videodrome

This movie..... It was my Blind Spot for the month and it certainly lives up to its reputation as being weird as fuck and pretty gross. It's hard to describe.

3) Raw

This French film about a vegetarian who after getting forced to eat meat during a hazing finds out she's got more than just a little taste for meat. With all the snacking on human flesh that goes on in this flick, I think it qualifies as body horror. 

Honorable Mention: Tusk

Before I saw Raw, Tusk had my 3rd spot. I'm leaving it in as an honorable mention. A film about someone who is literally turned into a walrus deserves that. 


  1. God, Tusk was absolutely revolting!

  2. YES! VIDEODROME!! Cronenberg at his demented best.

    I've not seen the others, but Raw has been on my list since it came out.

    1. I hope you see it soon! I can't sing its praises enough.

  3. Love Videodrome! I haven't seen the others but Raw sounds kinda like Santa Clarita Diet. I'll check it out.

  4. I have seen bits of Videodrome which was more than enough for me. A big no for the others.

    This might be the toughest of this year themes for me since this is a type of film I usually scrupulously avoid but I did finally manage three by using a film I detested but fit nonetheless.

    Altered States (1980)-Ken Russell directed head trip about a college professor (William Hurt) who uses ancient tribal halogenics and an isolation tank to achieve another level of consciousness eventually devolving to a primordial ooze of energy as his colleagues and estranged wife (Blair Brown) fight to restrain him from destroying himself. Screen bow for both Hurt and Drew Barrymore as one of his daughters.

    Society (1989)-Bottom of the barrel sludge about a teenage boy (Billy Warlock) who senses that he’s different from the rest of his family who mix with a certain level of society while he is more of an everyday kind of guy. After several disturbing incidents he discovers the truth which is revealed in revolting fashion. Terrible junk.

    The Fly (1958)-Inventor Andre Delambre (David Hedison) is experimenting with his teleportation device, first with inanimate objects which he’s successful with and eventually animals where he runs into problems. Working on the glitches he decides to try the machine out on himself….but unbeknownst to him a fly gets in before he hits the switch and a melding occurs and he becomes THE FLY!! A big drive-in hit on release this isn’t as technically savvy as the 80’s remake but fun on its own merits and hey it’s got Vincent Price in the cast, always a plus.

    1. I'd like to see The Fly eventually but I haven't heard of the others. I figured you'd have a tough time this week since you don't care for horror.

  5. ooh I liked Raw. But do not wish to see it again. Like Videodrome. I think it's case with body horror in general, even though I like some of them

    1. I get it. Requiem for a Dream is one movie I liked that I never want to see again. The memory is enough lol

  6. Hey, we match with Videodrome. Oh, and I just picked up Raw from my local library which I'll see in a few days.

  7. Almost picked Videodrome because I love that movie. Love that we match on Starry Eyes. I'll be watching Raw on Netflix before the month is out, I'm sure. I almost watched it last weekend, but wifey was still awake and put the brakes on that.

    And apparently, I need to see Tusk. That gif, though. Yeesh!

    1. I can't wait for you to watch Raw, I think you'll love it just as much as I did.

      Tusk is hilarious. I can totally understand why some people hate that movie, but I laughed the entire way through.

  8. We match on two picks (sort of) with both Videodrome and Raw. Loved Raw, took a common theme and did something interesting with it.

    1. Yeah, Raw is easily in my top 10 so far this year. I'm sure it'll stay there too.

  9. Oh my...Poor Mr. Walrus, where does he carry his wallet? Sorry but I guess I find that funny..geeky I know. I have not seen Videodrome but will one day. I haven't seen the others surprise:)

    1. You should watch it. I'd love to hear what you think!

  10. I still haven't seen Videodrome. I haven't seen Raw either--I'm not sure whether I want to. LOL.

  11. Haven't seen any of them...probably won't...I tend to avoid this sub genre.

  12. SO happy Raw made the list. That'll definitely be one of my top 10 of the year.

    1. Same. I can't imagine anything bumping it off my list.


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