Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Book to Show Adaptations

This week's TV theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is all about the written word making it to the small screen. There's plenty of examples out there and it was easy to pick my top three. 

1) Game of Thrones

This is one of my all time favorite shows and I'll be so sad to see it end this year. It's not always perfect when it comes to adapting from the books, but some of the most exceptional hours of TV have been from this show.

2) Sharp Objects

I love Gillian Flynn's books and putting this one in mini series form was perfect. The entire cast was wonderful and I thought the slight changes they made were all for the better.

3) The Handmaid's Tale

Now this one I actually like better than the book. The book left me wanting a lot more whereas the show expands on every loose end Margaret Atwood left behind. 


  1. Great picks! Sharp Objects is the only I haven't read but the show is so good!

  2. Argh I've heard so many great things about Sharp Objects! I really need to make that my next show.

    1. It's so good! A good read too if you want to check out the book.

  3. The only one I've seen is Game of Thrones which I was so sure I'd like before I watched and ended up indifferent to once I did. I know mine is not the majority opinion and I even tried again with it when Diana Rigg joined the show because I love me some Diana Rigg but I still wasn't a fan, though she was great.

    I can't abide Amy Adams so I'll never watch Sharp Objects and I didn't care for the screen version of Handmaid's Tale so never sought out the TV show.

    I don't watch a lot of series television so I went a slightly different way with miniseries adapted from novels or in one case a play.

    A Doll’s House (1959)-This Hallmark Hall of Fame adaptation of the Ibsen story (back when that program was the benchmark for quality TV-years before it became the dispenser of treacle that Hallmark is today) traces the emotional awakening of Nora Helmer (Julie Harris) from her previously unexamined life of domestic wifely comfort. Ruled her entire life by either her father or husband, Torvald (Christopher Plummer) Nora finally comes to question the foundation of everything she believes in when her marriage faces a profound test. Stacked with an astonishing cast, beside Julie Harris & Plummer it includes Jason Robards, Hume Cronyn, Eileen Heckart and an eight year old Richard Thomas this is currently showing on Amazon Prime.

    East of Eden (1981)-Miniseries adaptation of the entirety of the John Steinbeck sprawling novel (the James Dean film only dealt with the final third) of brothers Adam & Charles Trask (Timothy Bottoms & Bruce Boxleitner), Adam’s sons Caleb and Aron (Sam Bottoms & Hart Bochner) and how their lives intertwine with the Hamiltons lead by patriarch Samuel (Lloyd Bridges) and especially the unknowable Cathy Ames (Jane Seymour) throughout the decades of the late 19th and early 20th century. With a who’s who of notable names in support the highlight of this is a riveting turn of nearly unbridled evil by Jane Seymour as human succubus Cathy/Kate.

    Lonesome Dove (1989)-Beginning in the small Southern town of Lonesome Dove around the 1860’s two former Texas Rangers and best friends Gus McCrae (Robert Duvall) and Woodrow Call (Tommy Lee Jones) head out to Wyoming on a cattle drive that takes a heavy toll on all involved. Massive, violent and intense adaptation of Larry McMurtry’s epic tale is loaded with talent-Danny Glover, Diane Lane, Anjelica Huston, Chris Cooper and Steve Buscemi to name just a few- won unanimous praise upon its release.

    1. I still recommend The Handmaid's Tale as I imagine the show runs circles around the film as it does the novel its based off it. It's not often that something is just better.

      I haven't seen any of your picks this week.

  4. YEY Sharp Objects! I wish Dark Places got mini series treatment instead of what we got

    1. I wish it did too. I didn't hate the movie but I think it would've benefited from the mini series treatment, or at least a committed director like Fincher was for Gone Girl.

  5. Of course, I haven't seen any of these but I would like to watch game of Thrones. The handmaid's tale is one that I just have no desire to watch despite the critical accolades

  6. I've only seen some of Game of Thrones and Sharp Objects as the latter had that great ending as well as some inspired usage of Led Zeppelin.

    1. I adore Game of Thrones, it's worth it to watch the whole series.

  7. Seriously, Game of Thrones is just STUNNING TV. I'll be sad when it's over, but also I feel like the long breaks between seasons have prepped me pretty well for it being gone.

    I couldn't with The Handmaid's Tale. The first episode was too much for me. In a good way, but still. NOPE.

    1. Yeah, The Handmaid's Tale is depressing and way too realistic, but I just can't believe how much more I enjoy the show over the book.

  8. Love Sharp Objects and The Handmaid's Tale so would very much like to see the TV series.


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