Thursday Movie Picks: Coming of Age Movies

This week's theme from Wandering through the Shelves is Coming of Age movies. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting too old for films like this, then I find a good one that I just fall in love with. Here are three of my favorites

1) Stand By Me

I imagine this film is on everyone's favorite coming of age lists. It's one of those that I loved as a kid, and still loved as an adult.

2) Blue is the Warmest Color

I'm not sure if I've ever rooted for a character like I did with Adele in this film. I legitimately wanted to hug her at the end of it.

3) The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I wish I would've read this book when I was in junior high, I feel like I could've related to it more back then, but it still didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of this film now. (Particularly Ezra Miller's performance) 


  1. Love all three of these. Stand By Me is one of my all time favorites. I've introduced my kids to it and they love it, too.

    1. It's very timeless. It saddens me though, to think River Phoenix died so young.

  2. Great picks! I really liked Stand By Me, which I've seen multiple times, and Perks. I haven't seen Blue Is the Warmest Color yet, though I really want to.

    1. Oh you should, it's so wonderful. I had to remind myself I was watching a movie towards the end there.

  3. Why have I not seen Perks yet? Like, I really don't know why I didn't watch it...

    LOVE Blue, like, masterpiece level film there.

    Stand by Me...UGH...beautiful movie...beautiful performances.

    1. You haven't seen Perks yet? DO IT! Ezra Miller is outstanding.

    2. That's what I hear. I will!

  4. Excellent choices, Stand By Me is one of my all time favorite films. Haven't watched the other two on your list but I'll add them to my to-watch list.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The movie didn't feel all that modern to me. I assumed it was still set in the 90's. I actually don't care for a lot of 80's movies, so I get it. lol

  6. Blue Is the Warmest Color is a movie told with such heart wrenching honesty . One of my favorite movies from last year and my favorite love story of the decade (so far).

  7. Blue is the Warmest Color was heartbreaking; I agree with your sentiments about Adele. Ezra Miller stole Perks! He was easily my favorite person in the movie.

    1. I love Ezra Miller. That guy is seriously talented.

  8. Such excellent picks, Brittani. I don't know why Blue is the Warmest Color didn't cross my mind. What a brilliant, beautiful, bold coming-of-age story.

  9. Brilliant choices! I love all three, but I might go with American Graffiti, The Graduate and Adventureland.

    1. American Graffiti is a good one! I like Adventureland too, but I'm not sure if I'd call it coming of age, just because the main character was just out of college instead of high school.

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