Review: Jurassic World

What's the worst that could happen? Things don't escape anymore, right?

Twenty two years after Jurassic Park crashed and burned, the park has now been re-opened and has turned into a full on SeaWorld inspired theme park. It's got animals in captivity doing tricks, a petting zoo, poorly insured rides. (Seriously, who lets a teenager drive a vehicle, in this case, a moving hamster ball with another child in it?) and plenty of safe guards that are destined to fail so this movie can smack us in the face with some more nostalgia. 

Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) is the typical uptight childless workaholic whose nephews Zach and Gray (Nick Robinson, and the worst child actor on Earth, Ty Simpkins) come to visit her at the park, by themselves. Of course since she's SO focused on her job, she pawns them off on an assistant. Meanwhile, there's Owen (Chris Pratt) and ex-Navy turned raptor trainer whom she consults to see if the cage the built around their genetically modified dinosaur is actually safe enough. Turns out, it isn't, and suddenly their freak of nature T-Rex hybrid is on the loose. On top of this, there's Hoskins (Vincent D'Onofrio) who wants to use Owen's trained raptors as military weapons. His dick is practically hard at the prospect of this hybrid escaping because now he can test this out. 

Jurassic World had plenty of problems. Howard's character is an annoying trope. She doesn't have kids, doesn't want them (which is fine) yet when she sees parents reuniting with children towards the end, she stares lovingly at Owen and might as well yell "give me your sperm!" at him. It felt forced. The biggest issue by far was the two children, who are no Lex and Tim. (despite Gray being a near carbon copy of Tim) Simpkins, if you remember was the annoying kid in Iron Man 3, and he hasn't gotten better here. These two actors are completely wooden and would've served the story better if they had just been killed off right away. These two kids, despite being in a park with a massive dinosaur chasing them had the time to dick around with an old car (because apparently whoever renovated Jurassic Park just left all the old stuff in a garage and built around it) then watch as their care taker got tossed around by Pterodactyls while they should've been running for cover. 

I know I'm doing a lot of complaining in this review, but the film does get quite a bit right. It reuses John William's brilliant score, and it makes everything seem twice as epic.  They went a little overboard with the nods to the original (We see mirror shots of the kids in the hamster ball vs the kids in the car, feet on the glass. The Indominus Rex enters a room in the exact same way the T-rex entered the museum in the original. The kids have similar dialogue when they're trying to turn something on, like Lex and Tim had with the flash light. The climatic scene is staged nearly identical to the original, etc) It was all a bit much. The CGI here is fantastic, and admit it, you really wanted to see that T-rex again. This was an entertaining, mindless blockbuster for sure. And definitely the best of the Jurassic Park sequels.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "Why did you have to make it personal?" - Lowrey (Jake Johnson)


  1. Awwww you're being mean to Ty Simpkins, bless him. He isn't great but I do remember enjoying his role in Iron Man 3 or I think I did. I can't remember.

    Actually it reminds me of something I heard on the radio of the Grand Theft Auto Games - "The only thing worse than actors are child actors"

    But, yeah. I agree with the jist of review, quite forgettable characters but it's a film I quite a bit of fun with. Good review.

    1. It also reminded me of this

      This is yearly quiz show broadcast on UK TV

    2. I might be being mean, but you know what, child actors don't get a break when you have people like Dakota Fanning, Linda Blair, Jodie Foster, Tye Sheridan, and all the children on Game of Thrones wiping the floor with some of these other ones.

    3. Yeah, I agree. Some damn talented young actors. So you know, I wasn't being serious.

  2. I actually thought Simpkins was great here.

    Hehe...but pretty much everything else you said.

    1. OMG really? That's a joke, right? You're getting back at me because I didn't love Ratatouille? lol

  3. "who are no Lex and Tim" - haha, spot on!

  4. I agree 100%. It was a popcorn movie. Unfortunately, I think we will see more mindless Jurassic movies in our future since the film did so well at the box office.

    1. If they leave those damn kids out, they might do better. Or they could just have Chris Pratt running around shirtless with Dinosaurs for two hours. I'd watch that.

  5. I thought that Nick Robinson was worst than the other kid, he was so stoic and devoid of emotion. This was a fun movie, but doesn't beat the original.

    1. Robinson was a tad better for me because he was supposed to be a mopey emo, but the younger one was annoying AF. They were both awful.

  6. Replies
    1. Ha, this is like the worst review I've ever written. I said to go see it, then bitched the whole time. Yes, it is entertaining at least. (When those kids aren't on screen)

  7. All the subplots of this movie seem forced. Don't feel bad about complaining about this movie; I wrote paragraphs unloading my disdain for this pile of crap that everyone is fawning over. I just didn't get the appeal outside of the blatant nostalgia. Good review, Britt!

    1. I definitely agreed with all of your review. I needed to vent about these things, because they needed polishing You'd think something as sacred as another addition to Jurassic Park would get a bit more attention.

  8. Nice review! I haven't seen Jurassic World yet, and part of me is sorta happy to wait until later. The other sequels are not great but the less-than-stellar reviews for this one kinda makes those sound more appealing.

    1. I think JW is definitely better than any other sequel that has been put out. It just has some flaws.

  9. Haha, I loved it, but I fully expected to be 'meh' on it. I just saw it again, and I'm actually close to giving it an A. Like, this movie is such a fun ride!

    1. It has very fun parts. I just couldn't get past those stupid kids or the annoying trope with BDH's character.


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