Thursday Movie Picks: Story Within a Story

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is about stories within stories. This kind of tripped me up a bit because I kept thinking of movies within movies instead, and I don't think that was the intention. I imagine these are going to be common picks. I couldn't think of anything clever

1) The Usual Suspects

Keyser Soze tells the ultimate story. If you haven't seen the film, you've probably at least heard about the massive twist that blew everyone's mind back in 1996 when this film came out. 

2) Nocturnal Animals 

Aside from one directorial choice, I really loved this movie. The story here is so full of tension I was actually wishing it would hurry up and end at one point so I could breathe. 

3) Forrest Gump

This film is like Shawshank, it's always on TV and I always find myself watching it when it is. Film twitter seems to hate this movie, but I've never had an issue with it. 


  1. The Usual Suspects is excellent and put Kevin Spacey on the map. Big sigh about Spacey. Anyway, I still Ave to see your second choice but I have seen Forrest Gump many times and it’s an ok movie but never deserved all the Oscars especially when pitted against Shawshank

    1. I agree, I can see why it won but I think overall Shawshank was far better.

  2. I love all of these, especially The Usual Suspects (it's a favourite of mine), but I agree with Birgit, Forrest Gump didn't deserve the Oscar.

  3. Being a lover of noir I was so excited when I went to see The Usual Suspects but ended up falling asleep and when I tried to give it a second chance I really hated it.

    Sorry to say I also hated Forrest Gump despite being a fan of Tom Hanks, Sally Field and Gary Sinise. I found it incredibly puerile.

    Haven't gotten around to Nocturnal Animals yet, that Adams woman has kept me at bay.

    This one was a challenge and I had to poke around quite a bit to come up with my three.

    Hellzapoppin’ (1941)- Projectionist Shemp Howard (ya one of the Three Stooges) is running a filmed dance number that turns into a funhouse ride collapsing into Hell where the dancers are tortured by demons until comics Olsen & Johnson arrive in a taxi and disrupt the scene. They call the scriptwriter in and we discover we’re in Miracle Pictures Studios (their slogan “If it’s a good picture, it’s a Miracle!”) where the boys are attempting to translate their Broadway hit show into a movie. Crazy patchwork quilt of a film throws everything, including a kitchen sink! into the mix and comes up with unrestrained lunacy that might make little linear sense since it bounces back and forth between stories but adds up to a very enjoyable viewing experience. Good cast with a standout Martha Raye. The source play was the longest running musical in history up to that point.

    The Locket (1946) - Because of a false accusation of theft as a young girl a woman (Laraine Day) sets out for revenge on the world becoming a kleptomaniac, chronic liar, and eventually a murderess. The story is told in layered flashbacks (flashbacks within flashbacks) from different points of view. Complex thriller has many noirish touches and a good cast including a young Robert Mitchum.

    The Fall (2006)-In a hospital ward in 20’s Los Angeles a young girl with a broken arm meets a seriously injured stunt man (Lee Pace) who as their friendship grows weaves elaborate stories in extravagant settings of different men who share a mission. As each story ends he asks her to forage in the hospital infirmary for morphine to help him endure his pain. Cryptic and challenging.

    1. Apparently I need to see The Fall because it's on so many lists!

  4. All are good movies. The Usual Suspects has a special place in my heart, and it will always remain "revolutionary", and I agree, in retrospect, it seems now that such films as Forrest Gump were overrated. It is the sentimentality that the Academy has always been known for not for liking films that exercise grey cells or that has twist endings. Another story within the story which I love is the tale of King Candaules in the English Patient. It has such a direct impact on the events unfolding.

    1. I hated the English Patient, but I know I'm in the minority on that one. It just dragged for me. I wish I could've experienced Usual Suspects when it was still in theaters and before people could share so much about it on the internet.

  5. My son went to see The Usual Suspects. Then we went the next day to see it together. Next day we took another friend. I love it. But HATE the English Patient.

    1. I hope your friend was surprised by the ending! Yeah, English Patient was not for me..

  6. Ahhh I can't really remember much from Forrest Gump! The Usual Suspects is a great pick. I really liked Nocturnal Animals, too. I wish Tom Ford made movies more often.

    1. Same, Ford is a great director. I'll definitely see whatever he does next.

  7. Dare I even ask what the "one" directorial choice you didn't like in Nocturnal Animals was?

    I like The Usual Suspects a whole lot, but it's just like any other crime flick up until the last minute.

    I like Forrest Gump just fine, and it works, but watching it recently it just felt too... easy.

    1. It was the rape flashback. I thought it was completely unnecessary and served zero purpose. They were already getting the point across without it.

  8. These are three great picks. I kind of went on a different approach with my picks though they all have something to offer.

  9. Nocturnal Animals is a very good pick for this.

  10. I coudln't tell you how many times I watched Forrest Gump

  11. Yay, more love for Forrest! Yup, we match there. Also love The Usual Suspects. I think it's brilliant. Haven't seen Nocturnal Animals just yet.

    1. Nocturnal Animals is good, you should definitely check it out.

  12. I'm glad that when I saw The Usual Suspects I didn't even know there was a twist.


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