Thursday Movie Picks: TV Edition - Legal Dramas

It's another TV week over at Wandering Through The Shelves and this time we're talking about legal dramas. Please allow me to take the stand and confess. Despite really loving legal dramas in film form, I actually don't watch any on TV. I thought about stretching the rules a bit and picking shows that just feature lawyers, but I'll play it straight. So below is one I watched and loved, one I've caught a few episodes of, and one I tried to watch and hated.

1) American Crime Story: The People vs OJ Simpson

The OJ verdict is the first big news story I can remember. I was seven. (Which makes me wonder what my own child will remember news wise? Hopefully it's Trump's impeachment.) Anywho - Aside from the verdict and everyone saying he was guilty, I actually didn't know much about the case to begin with. This show was pretty eye opening for me because I never researched it thoroughly and I was on the edge of my seat even though I knew the outcome. This mini series was fantastic. 

2) Law and Order

I've watched a few episodes of this, usually when an actor I like is starring in it. The most recent episode I've seen is the one where they took inspiration from the trainwreck of a family that is the Duggars. It's probably more about cops than lawyers, but I'm stretching it this week. 

3) Suits

I don't know why I turned this on but it just reiterated that (aside from Mr. Robot) every single show on the USA Network looks alike. They might as well be one shared universe. Everything I saw on Suits I probably saw on Burn Notice or any of their20 polished and brightly colored other shows. 


  1. Though I'm watching the current season that looks at the Gianni Versace murder I didn't watch the O.J. Simpson one. I was sickened by the entire thing and most of all by the verdict so had zero interest in revisiting it though I heard good things about it.

    I've watched all the iterations of Law & Order on and off through the years, my fave is SVU-I love Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni but rarely week after week. As anything that goes on for that long the quality was variable but usually pretty good.

    I'm familiar with Suits but have never watched a single episode. As you say they all those shows sort of blend together.

    Since the number of shows about lawyers is nearly limitless I did a small theme within the theme. We’re L.A. bound!

    Perry Mason (1957-1966)-Criminal attorney Perry Mason (Raymond Burr-in the role that took him from villain to hero) aided by his loyal, intuitive secretary Della Street (Barbara Hale) and investigator Paul Drake (William Hopper-son of famous gossip columnist Hedda) manages to save his client week after week with a last minute moment of revelation. Loaded with familiar faces including future stars like Robert Redford, Dick Clark, and in a guest shot when Burr was ill-Bette Davis. Based on the Erle Stanley Gardner series of novels.

    The Bold Ones: The Lawyers (1969-1972)-Venerated Los Angeles attorney Walter Nichols (Burl Ives) takes brother lawyers Brian & Neil Darrell (Joseph Campanella and James Farentino) into his firm and mentors them through their cases and lives. Part of an alternating series of dramas all under the umbrella title (The New Doctors, The Protectors, The Senator were the others) shown on rotating weeks. Again loaded with rising stars, Ellen Burstyn (just before The Exorcist), Martin Sheen, Richard Dreyfuss and Jack Klugman among others as guests.

    L.A. Law (1986-1994)-The trials and tribulations of the members of Los Angeles-based law firm McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak was a monster hit in its day. While it was highly glamourized rather than using the trials as a sort of mystery to be solved the series approach was more of one focusing on the nuts and bolts of the legal profession (torts, ethics, briefs etc.) at least in its initial seasons.

    1. The Versace season is good so far, but it doesn't touch the OJ one yet. I haven't seen any of your picks.

  2. We match Law & Order! I watched it all the time when I was a kid and I loved the courtroom part. I love the other two as well, especially American Crime Story. I can't believe I didn't think of it myself. Great picks!

  3. OH GOD People V OJ Simpson was gut-WRENCHING. It was one of the first big news stories I remember, too, but unlike you I remembered a LOT of details. Even still, the show managed to surprise me, and it was interesting looking at it with adult eyes. The performances all around were so spectacular, but I'm so glad Sarah Paulson FINALLY won her Emmy for this, and rehabbed Marcia Clark in the process.

    Law & Order is an old standby - it's practically always on in reruns and it's great for when nothing else is on TV but I want to have something on.

    Suits is my current laundry-folding show. It's breezily entertaining and I like the premise and characters, but I don't REALLY care about what happens. Nothing USA has ever aired will ever top Burn Notice for me (although Mr. Robot came close; I only watched the first season because I just can't with these long-running mystery/puzzle-box shows anymore).

    1. Yesss Sarah deserved that Emmy and I loved her speech when she apologized to Marcia.

      That's awesome you remembered it, I had no memories of that bronco chase. I was like "really, that happened?" lol

    2. OH I remembered the bronco chase, alright. But what I didn't remember (or, more likely, just didn't know even at the time), was that OJ wasn't the one driving.

  4. I was in my early 30s when the OJ debacle played out on TV. I remember sitting in my boss's office knowing the bastard would get off and he did. I am not sure I could watch it and not feel that frustrated anger within me. Law & Order is a great show-look how long it has been on and how many spin-offs. My favourite time of this show was when Jerry Orbach was on. I have not seen Suits and not sure I will

    1. It's very frustrating, but not as much as OJ: Made in America was because they interviewed the jururs who said they said not guilty because he was black. It's a great show though.

  5. I haven't seen any of these shows though I do remember the OJ trial and at the time, I thought he wasn't guilty. Years later and having seen that documentary on OJ. Not only did I realize that he is guilty but the fact that he used the race card to get his way out of prison is really upsetting.

    1. That was a very complicated issue. I definitely recommend season 1 of ACS. it's so good.

  6. Somebody tried to sic Suits on me. I watched I think just one episode and it was enough for me just not to care enough to press play on a second.
    Have never seen any L&O. Did enjoy ACS. What a cast.

  7. I've been meaning to watch the OJ mini-series. Everyone raves about it. I really like Law & Order, but I prefer the SVU version. Haven't seen even one second of Suits.

    1. The OJ mini series is great. The acting in it is seriously off the charts. I think you'd like it.

  8. The Law and Order you saw was the Law and Order:SVU one and yes it tends to feature more of the cops. While the original Law and Order has more of an equal storytelling thing with first half cops, second half lawyers.


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