Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Secret Agents/Spies

It's another TV theme from Wandering Through The Shelves and this week we're talking about shows with spies/secret agents. That was an easy one for me, here's what I came up with. (And yes, one day I will watch The Americans) 1) Agent Carter For me, this is the gold standard of spy shows and it was wrongly cancelled way too early. ABC didn't give this a chance. They pump money into Agents of SHIELD when this was far better. I'm forever bitter about it. 2) Agents of SHIELD I have a love/hate relationship with this show. The fact that it now mostly revolves around Daisy has made it pretty unwatchable for me. She is a textbook Mary Sue. (and if you ever try to say Rey from Star Wars is one, watch Daisy then apologize for your mistake) This is a shame because it has some amazing characters aside from her, and did Ghost Rider super well. I wish they had focused more on just being SHIELD and left out the Inhuman bullshit. 3) Archer I don't watc...