Against The Crowd Blogathon

It's that time of year again! I'm for Wendell's annual Against The Crowd Blogathon. I'm coming at you late with an entry because I some how missed the initial posting. If you need a refresher on the rules, here they are straight from the man himself.

Pick one movie “everyone” loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have score of 75% or more on (or at least 7.5 on Tell us why you hate it.

Pick one movie that “everyone” hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of 35% or less on (or 4.0 or less on Tell us why you love it.

Include the tomato meter scores of both movies.

Use one of the banners in this post, or feel free to create your own (just include all the pertinent details), or just mention this blogathon if using an audio or visual medium.

Let us know what two movies you intend on writing, vlogging, posting, or podcasting about in one of the following ways: Comment on this or any AtC 2021 post on this site, tweet me, or hit me up on instagram @dellonmovies, or e-mail me at

Publish your post on any day from Friday, September 10 through Sunday, September 12, 2021, and include a link to this announcement. If you’re a podcaster or YouTuber that is interested in participating just talk about your chosen movies during your closest podcast and/or video to those dates and mention that you are taking part in this blogathon.

If posting on social media, use the hashtag #AgainstTheCrowd2021

Lately I've had one particular movie on my mind that I've been hearing a lot of praise about lately. I decided to stick with a little theme. Both my films have the same lead actor. So let's get to it.

Iron Man 3

Honestly, I'm a little surprised it's only at 79%, I thought it would be higher, but seeing Marvel's latest offering Shang-Chi incorporate the only part of this movie I liked really made me ponder just how much this didn't work for me. Tony Stark is one of my favorite MCU characters but he is given no one worthy of his talent to play off of in this film. He doesn't have many scenes with Cheadle, Happy is hung up for a lot of the film, he only has Pepper - played by Gwenyth Paltrow who absolutely ruins the character and one of the worst child actors I've ever seen. Guy Pearce should not be the villain, and the one that should be - Rebecca Hall feels wasted. Iron Man 2 gets a lot of shit, but I think it's leagues better than this. This is easily the worst MCU film to date for me.

And since we're on the topic of Robert Downey Jr's filmography...

Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus

32%? Come on, critics. We can do better than this! It's art housy, it has Nicole Kidman and RDJ, it's shot very well. It might be a tad on the depressing side but I think it's a lovely, intimate little film. Unlike Paltrow, Downey plays wonderfully off Kidman. Diane Arbus wasn't someone I was familiar with before watching this movie, but now I'm glad I know of her work.

Thanks for hosting, Dell!


  1. I wasn't a huge fan of the third Iron Man either but I haven't really watched Fur, I just glimpsed scenes of it while mom was watching it. I guess it's a.... matter of taste and critics didn't have any hahaha. :D

    1. lol. damn, RT critics. Why can't I be certified so I can bring the score up?

  2. It's weird seeing Iron Man 3 at 79%. Marvel fanboys on Twitter hate on it so much I forget that normal people actually like it. It's in my bottom 3 MCU flicks, as well, and I completely agree Iron Man 2 is way better. I don't think I've even heard of Fur, and you've definitely piqued my interest. Thanks as always, Brittani!!!

    1. I never see people hating on Iron Man 3 for things other than the Mandarian, it had so many more problems than that fake out, which was actually pretty damn funny and surprising.

  3. I haven't seen either of these. It took me a long time to get around to the first Iron Man, I used to be a RDJ fan in his youth but ever since he's gotten out of the slammer he seems cloaked in a smug self satisfaction which has affected the way he presents himself and his acting plus it costarred the GOOP girl whose appeal has always escaped me outside of Emma, but I was at a friend's and they talked it up so we watched and it wasn't bad. Good enough for me to watch the the first sequel which quite frankly stank. So that along with my superhero burnout kept me from the third and I suspect always will.

    I'm aware of Fur and am an admirer of Diane Arbus's work but the film has the double whammy casting blunder of both RDJ and Kidman, another actress who I'm not a fan of so once again I've avoided it. I'm glad the film might have raised awareness of Arbus's genius with photography but since it plainly states it's a fanciful take on her life I didn't think it would reveal much about her.

    1. GOOP really ruined Pepper for me. Especially in Endgame.

  4. I've never see Fur but it's hard to imagine it's THAT bad if it has Kidman and RDJ. I enjoyed Iron Man 3 for the most part but was a bit underwhelmed by the villain.

  5. Wow... we're going to disagree on this as I really didn't like Fur at all. I found it to be dull and almost playing the whole thing safe and I was really disappointed in the film as it came from the guy who did Secretary of all films.

    1. Aww I'm sorry it didn't work for you, I really liked Secretary too, I think that one is better than Fur.

  6. Iron Man 3 has been on my mind lately too thanks to Shang-Chi! I didn't like it much either, though. In fact I can barely remember most of it. I've never seen Fur but I've been trying to watch more of Nicole Kidman's work so I should check it out.

    1. You should add it to your list! I hope you like it.

  7. I like RDJ even though you see his mannerisms in every film but that can be said for most actors and actresses. I am not a fan of Paltrow, aka Goopy, but I try to go beyond her stick figure for this 3rd Iron Man film. I love Guy Pierce even though the evil dude became brilliant, good looking and rich, he throws it all away because of RDJ's ass behaviour?? That seems weak. The kid is icky but not sickening so I can deal with it. As for your second film, I have not even heard of it but would be willing to give it a go.

    1. I really like Pearce as well but his motives were just dumb. What a waste.

  8. I blacked out from boredom so hard during Iron Man 2 that I don't think I ever gave the third one a chance. I might one day but my expectations won't be high. lol But totally agree about Fur. It's a beautifully made film.

  9. Good post! While I haven't even heard of 'Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus', I have seen 'Iron Man 3'. Personally, I think it's more memorable than the second film. But the first movie is definitely better. I also participated in this blogathon, so feel free to check out my post!


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