Thursday Movie Picks: Actors Playing Themselves


This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is an interesting one...actors playing themselves! This was a tough one, nothing came to mind right away, but when I gave it more thought, my choices became much easier. 

1) Margot Robbie - The Big Short:
This is a movie I've been meaning to re-watch and its first of a few celebrity cameos was easily the most memorable. 

2) Bob Barker - Happy Gilmore:
The price is wrong, bitch!

3) Neil Patrick Harris - Harold and Kumar go to White Castle:
NPH is everywhere nowadays but when this film was released, it easily had to be one of the most random things ever.


  1. I, too, want to rewatch The Big Short because I don’t remember her in it or much of anything from this film but I know I liked it. Happy Gilmore is so stupid, well it stars Adam Sandler I had fun watching this movie and Bob Barker was funny in it. I have not seen the last film at all.

    1. Happy Gilmore IS stupid lol. It's been a while since I've rewatched it.

  2. I've seen all three but don't remember Margot Robbie in Big Short. I didn't care for Harold & Kumar very much but NPH's segment of the film was one of the funnier bits. Bob Barker's cameo in Happy Gilmore is brilliance! I liked that film far more than I expected to, it's no Wedding Singer but it's still one of my favorite Sandler movies.

    I had some trouble with this too but did manage to remember three that I thought worked well.

    Airplane! -Kareem Abdul Jabar (1980)-Wacky spoof of disaster movies and in particular the 1957 Dana Andrews/Linda Darnell film Zero Hour! Kareem plays himself though for some reason he’s pretending to be co-pilot Roger Murdock leading to many puns.

    Wings of Desire-Peter Falk (1987)-Dreamy and cerebral fantasy from Wim Wenders about two angels, Damiel & Cassiel who float above Berlin offering rays of hope for the downtrodden without their knowledge. When Damiel falls for trapeze artist Marion and longs for a non-spectral existence he is given some unexpected advice from Peter Falk (as himself) who harbors a secret unknown to all.

    Zoolander-David Bowie (2001)-In this loony satire of the male modeling industry the legendary Bowie appears as the judge of a fashion runway “walk-off” between Ben Stiller’s Derek Zoolander and Owen Wilson’s rival male model Hansel McDonald.

    1. Wings of Desire is the only one of yours I haven't seen. Airplane! and Zoolander are classics, but I like Airplane! a lot more.

  3. Ah, those are 3 great films and those appearances are awesome. Who knew Bob Barker was a bad ass? Plus, I love seeing NPH as a drug-addicted psychopath. Even in the third film as his husband in reality is really his drug dealer. "Fuck Fred Savage"

    You have to see Wings of Desire, it is a great film and it will remind you exactly why City of Angels is a fucking piece of shit remake.

    1. I fell asleep during the 3rd Harold and Kumar so I remember nothing from it lol

  4. I really need to watch The Big Short again. The first time I concentrated way too hard on trying to actually understand the financial parts.

    1. Oh I know, there was so much information in it. I need to watch again.

  5. I watched The Big Short but I cannot remember Margot! lol Bob Barker is a fantastic pick!

  6. Margot Robbie's cameo in The Big Short is one of the few things I liked about the film. I've been meaning to rewatch it though to see if I still feel the same.

  7. NPH is pure gold in Harold & Kumar. That's such a great call!

    1. He was. I never watched his old TV show so that was the first time I really saw him in anything memorable.

  8. Such cool picks, like.. small but memorable. Even though I can't really remember any of them hahaha. I think I haven't even seen the last one. Whoops. :D

  9. Nice picks! The most I remember about The Big Short is Ryan's monologue and that terrible fake tan. lol But the celebrity cameos were a nice touch. And that second gif is classic.

    1. Ryan was good in it but yes that tan was...something lol

  10. Ooooh I completely forgot about Margot Robbie!


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