DVD Review: Calvary

Should've left town.

Father James (Brenden Gleeson) is a kind priest who is told during confession that he will be killed in seven days time. Why? Because the man confessing was raped by a priest when he was a child. That priest is dead, and even if he wasn't, no one cares about bad priests that die. He's going to kill Father James because he's good.

The film is very slow, very grey and dreary. It seriously drags its feet. It also has dog death about an hour in that I was not expecting and gaaaahhhhh I hate that!

But back to the film, Father James knows who confessed, he lives in a small town. But he doesn't call the police, he doesn't leave town, he just goes about his normal week. Gleeson gives a grand performance, as does the rest of the cast. I can see where this film might not be for everyone with it's pacing, but I enjoyed it for the most part. Even if I was kind of yelling at Father James to leave inside.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B-

Memorable Quote: "I don't hate you at all, it's just you have no integrity." - Father James (Brenden Gleeson)


  1. I think that the themes this film develops are so strong...so poignant. I had no qualms with the pacing, at all, and I thought Gleeson was TOWERING! It's such a brilliant performance. Glad you didn't...hate this :-D

    1. lol. I'm glad I didn't hate it either, but I wish I would've liked it more.

  2. Littlefinger!! Man, he looks so swag.

  3. Sounds promising. Might check it out.

  4. Mayor Carcetti from The Wire is in this, so I'll check it out haha. Seriously though, I dig Brendan Gleeson and I have heard promising things about this movie.

    What season of The Wire are you on?

    I'm glad you watch Better Call Saul too. I think last night's episode put a flag in the ground and declared that it had arrived and is playing for keeps.

    1. I'm on season 4 of the Wire. I think episode 6? My HBO Go has been acting weird so I haven't gotten to watch it yet this week.

      And Better Call Saul is amazing. I'm glad you watch those too!

  5. I don't mind a slower-paced film if the actor could hold my interest and sounds like Gleeson would do the job. I can't wait to check this one out!

  6. The good thing is: I loved this one, too. This is mainly a one-man show by Gleeson. But I'm glad he's having it with his son!
    I appreciated Gleeson's performance and awarded it with a place in my top acting.

    1. Gleeson gave a wonderful performance here for sure. That was nice to see Domnhall in there for a short time as well!

  7. Great review! I liked this a bit more than you did, and I didn't mind the pacing. I felt the pacing fit the contemplative quality of the movie. I couldn't agree more about the dog death, though. I thought it was totally unnecessary.

    1. It fit the tone well. I expected it to be slower, just not that slow.

      And screw that dog death. What bullshit.

  8. You know I'm kinda of tired of movies and dog deaths. It's an easy plot point. It sounds like a dreary film. I do love Brendan Gleeson.

    1. I'm always tired of movies and dog deaths. I can't handle it.

  9. Glad you mostly enjoyed it. I loved everything about it, but I usually respond to bleak, depressing movies. ;)

    1. Ha, not gonna lie, I like depressing too. Characters are more interesting that way.

  10. A must see movie. This movie may be Brendan Gleeson's greatest role. It is a pity this movie did not get more publicity when it was released. It is truly a masterpiece, full of interesting but believable characters who are all harried by their own personal demons.


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