Thursday Movie Picks: Unrequited Love

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is unrequited love! By the way, you should show your love for Wanderer by participating in this every Thursday, it's fun. Here are three of my favorite gems where love came up a little short.  

1) (500) Days of Summer

Poor Tom, he finds what he thinks is the perfect girl in Summer and it all falls apart.

2) God Help The Girl

Poor James, he finds the perfect girl in Eve and it turns out she's just a little focused on herself and strings him along. 

3) Water Lilies 

Poor Marie, it's hard enough suddenly finding yourself attracted to a girl on your swim team only to find out she's just a little bi curious and not into you at all.


  1. (500) is popular! But it's such a brilliant choice, really.

    I haven't seen the other two, but your blog is always great for inspiring me to see films I've never heard of.

    1. Aww, thank you. :) I think you'd really dig the other two. Especially Water Lillies since you appreciate foreign films so much.

  2. I knew Summer would be tearing it up today. I haven't seen it since it came out, but what an impression it makes! I need to see God Help The Girl like NOW.

    1. Yes, you do! It's so sweet! Yeah, I expected a lot of Summer as well, and deservingly so. That film is wonderful.

  3. I haven't seen your last choice, but it sounds interesting. Also chose 500 Days of Summer, and loved God Help the Girl.

    1. Water Liles is a wonderful little French gem. I'm pretty sure it's still on Netflix Instant too!

  4. True! Summer gets her day today! Well, God Help the Girl is new, right? Haven't seen it

  5. I would have never even considered God Help the Girl. That's a great choice!

    I've never seen Water Lilies, but the situation sounds terrible. You know plenty have people pulled that type of shit before

    Everyone seems to really love (500) Days. I couldn't get into it as much as everyone else. I can't stand the leads, so that obviously had a big part in that. I did like the reality/expectations scene though.

    1. Water Lilies is a wonderful little film. That sucks (500) didn't work for you! The reality/expectations scenes were great though, and I love anything with JGL.

  6. Great picks! If I were to do this post, I'd definitely include (500) Days of Summer. I LOVE JGL in there but I never warmed up to Zooey, but it's kinda perfect given the premise. I'd include Phantom of the Opera and Atonement as the other two.

    1. Atonement actually crossed my mind! I didn't think of Phantom though, those are good choices!

  7. I've only seen 500 Days of Summer here. It seems to be the winner today. Rightly so. It's incredible. It is this topic. Need to check into these other two. They look great if the GIFs are any indication!

    1. 500 was definitely popular yesterday, and it definitely deserves it. I hope you check out the other two!

  8. Hmm ... I need to see God Help the Girl and Water Lilies.

    1. That seems to be a popular thought today. They're both wonderful.

  9. I loved (500) Days of Summer. I feel like I need to see God Help the Girl and Water Lilies now.

  10. I've only seen (500) Days of Summer. The other two sound very interesting, though. I'll have to check them out.

  11. I want to see God Help the least from the promo stills it looks like something retro/vintage-ish that looks interesting to me.

    1. That's exactly how it is. The costume designer did a wonderful job with all their vintage wear.

  12. Glad you plugged Water Lilies again. I keep forgetting to watch it!


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